EDGE Institute 2014 How to use WikiSpaces to enhance reading, writing and all student communication! Michael Christiansen
Agenda Introduce Wikispaces. Show how I use wikispaces in my classroom and show how you can use it. Create your own wikispace.
Session 4: Assessment What strategies will provide evidence of student learning? With Wiki’s it allows students to freely write and interact with each other. This fosters their learning and excitement for education. You as a teacher can still monitor the discussion and activities. With this it changes the dynamic of your classroom – Really helps students take ownership.
Session Objectives and Success Criteria I will learn what Wikispaces are I will see how to use Wikispaces in the classroom I will learn how Wikispaces can be used for student assessment I can create a Wikispaces account and page
How I use wikis Wikispaces Wednesdays – Wednesday discussions – Post articles onto wikispaces, students read articles and post responses – Students read other responses and they respond Post relevant pictures, quotes, videos to the class Post links to assignments
How can you use it… Create a wiki to allow students to post their work – Allow students to comment on students work – Version of digital gallery walks Create workgroups – This is an area for students to communicate and post shared documents – Very similar to how shared OneNote works – You can monitor all activity
What makes WikiSpaces different from eLearning? eLearning is awesome! With WikiSpaces, students can take ownership and design the page. Students can create their own pages, and use it to center their learning. WikiSpaces allows student to be on almost same level as teacher Teachers can monitor the whole process through the recent changes section.
Let’s get started Go to kmtaworldhistory.wikispaces.comkmtaworldhistory.wikispaces.com Go to wikiclassroom page: Create an account Let’s get creating…
Continuing Support (edit as necessary) Call or the Customer Support Center. – Extension 7030 – to CSC Check out the Help Center in Staff Link.Help Center Watch a tutorial through Atomic Learning.