Entering the classroom Mr.T will open the door and greet you Come in quietly and get some hand sanitizer from the counter READ THE FRONT BOARD Complete your planner Start the Entry Task
Tardy You must be in your seat and ready to work as the bell rings or you will be marked tardy. The first two tardies are considered warnings. The third tardy, and all tardies afterwards, results in an infraction. Be on time and ready with your materials!
Movement EYES on speaker. Head swivels to track. Remain seated – chair on floor! No sharpening – have back ups/shapeners that catch shavings/pens!
Movement cont. No water – have a water bottle w/lid. Bathroom – a privilege for emergencies only. Use passing period. Body fluids – aka gross stuff! Grab a pass and GO! Tissue - both sides of the room. Do your thing and throw away immediately. Consider washing your hands!
Hall Passes A hall pass is an earned privilege. No passes will be honored during: First 20 minutes of class. Lectures or discussion time. Last 10 minutes of class.
Turning in work All work is turned in to the tray on the counter that is associated with your class period. No name papers are not collected. They are put in the No Name folder and thrown away at the end of the week. If you find your paper with no name, turn it in WITH YOUR NAME and it will be collected as late with a 10% penalty.
Turning in work cont. During tests once you stand up to turn in a paper, you are committed to doing so and may not add any additional writing to your paper. All late work should be brought to my attention. Any absent work will have “AB” at the top with the heading and placed in the tray.
Test Taking The blockers will always be used during the test taking process. There is ABSOLUTELY NO TALKING once the testing begins until ALL of the tests have been turned in. Double check your work. This is not a race! When you stand up, you’ve committed to turn in your test and there is no additional writing on it allowed. Go into SSR or other work as directed when finished.
Drills We take them seriously so we know what to do in the event of a real emergency or a sub is in the classroom! Keep calm and BE QUIET! Listen for instructions. The emergency kit is in the closet behind my desk – be sure to grab it. No phones! No friends!
Exiting the classroom The bell does not excuse you, Mr.T excuses you! We work bell to bell. Take all belongings with you – or they go to Lost and Found. Trash belongs in the trash can – get it there at the end of class. Please push in your chair.
GUM IS A PRIVELDGE. DON’T SCREW IT UP! It is thrown out in the trash can ONLY – preferably in it’s wrapper or a paper towel. I don’t want to see it stuck for a week at the bottom of the can! I don’t want to see or hear it, or you’ll be asked to spit it out.