Welcome to Humanities Today is Thursday, January 9, 2014 Please take out your: Notebook S,T,W chart from last class Folder Writing tool Personal reading material Start up will ask you to think back to last class…
Reflection Based on your notes and memories, write a short paragraph (4-8 sentences), or draw a diagram explaining the connections between a whale, Makah Tribal Members, Ken Nichols, guys with guns/harpoons, and this photograph.
Daily Learning Target “I will understand the basics of the Makah Whaling Controversy” Progression of Learning “I can synthesize and interpret new visual sources” “I can annotate a written article for important information” “I can revise or expand my earlier interpretation based on new evidence”
“I can synthesize and interpret new visual sources” Front of Page: Back of Page: What’s Going on? # SEETHINK/CONNECTWONDER
“I can synthesize and interpret new visual sources” Picture Pass You will see 5 new pictures with text about the Whaling Controversy “Read” each carefully and add to your chart You will see them for a limited time Some may repeat (what new details and connections do you notice?) No talking please
“I can annotate a written article for important information” Annotate Underline what is important Write ?Questions? in the margins ! Surprising details or text Note your own thoughts or reactions in the margins “Makah Whaling: The Whale Is Caught”
“I can revise or expand my earlier interpretation based on new evidence” Extended 3 Question Reflection What are the basics of the conflict we are studying? How has your interpretation changed over the last two class periods? What questions do you still have? Try to write continuously for at least 8 minutes
Fist to Five “I understand the basics of the Whaling Controversy” Reflection Question 1. Please have me check off your extended reflection as you leave Homework Read “People of the Cape” from my SWIFT site ½ page of notes are due Monday (loose paper please)