7 th Grade Social Studies
Relationships. Relevance. Rigor Getting to know students Connecting their world to social studies instruction Challenging students to reach high expectations Inspiring Independence
Parent Communication Tools SharePoint Look for announceme nts, assignment s, due dates, and links to important informatio n Access through the TFMS website : http :// tfms. sv sd 410. org / Online Grades Track student progress using the Skyward Online Grading System Access through the TFMS website or the Family Access tab on the SVSD website : http :// svsd org /
Em ai l is the most effective way to communicat e with all 7 th grade teachers svsd 410. org
Medieval Europe 1 st Tri Fall of Rome, Feudalism : Rise & Fall, Byzantine Empire Medieval Middle East 2 nd Tri Arabian Peninsula, Islam, Contributions of Muslim Empires WA State History 3 rd Tri
Homework Tests Late / Absent Work Special Projects
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