Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Implications of 2776: New Basic Education Funding Formula For Business Managers Fall 2010
Slide 2Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Purpose To provide a brief technical walk through of the new funding structure that will be implemented in September 2011.
Slide 3Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Prototypical School Funding Model
Slide 4Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction What is Prototypical School? Prototypical school is a fixed theoretical school size that is used for modeling purposes. Replaces the ratio paradigm currently used. As adopted in 2776, it is a scalable model. Funding formula assumptions are based upon a prototypical school and assumed class size. Class size assumptions are different based upon grade and subject.
Slide 5Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Prototypical School Size CategoryElementary (K-6) Middle (7-8) High (9-12) Base Enrollment In reality, school configurations vary widely and are not always consistent with the prototype model. Funding is based upon the student grade level rather than a school’s classification. Prototype allocations will be based on district wide grade level enrollment.
Slide 6Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction 2776 – Prototypical Assumption of Class Size Grade LevelClass Size (Basic Ed) Class Size (High Poverty School) Grades K Not Defined Grade Not Defined Grades Not Defined Grades Not Defined Grades Not Defined CTE Same CTE Same Skills Centers22.76Same Lab ScienceNot DefinedSame Advanced PlacementNot DefinedSame International BaccalaureateNot DefinedSame
Slide 7Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Class Size to Teacher Conversion Converting the assumed class size to actual teachers is complex and is based upon standard state assumptions about: – Student instructional hours per day. – Teacher planning time: Assumed instructional day of 5.6 hours for elementary, and 6 hours for middle and high schools. Assumed planning time 13% or 45 minutes for elementary, and 17% or 60 minutes for secondary. – Instructional workload of each teacher.
Slide 8Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction 2776: School Level Classroom Teachers Grade LevelClass Size (Basic Ed) Students Planning Time Assumption Funded Teachers Grades K %18.31 Grade %17.11 Grades %17.11 Grades %18.17 Grades %25.05 CTE %4.52 CTE %4.52 Skills Centers %5.27 Lab ScienceNot Defined AP/IBNot Defined
Slide 9Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction 2776: Other Staffing in a School School Level StaffingElementary (K-6) Middle (7-8) High (9-12) Staff Type Base Enrollment Student Principals CAS Teacher Librarians CIS Guidance Counselors CIS Health & Social Services: School Nurses CIS Social Workers CIS Psychologists CIS Teaching Assistance CLS Office Support CLS Custodians CLS Student & Staff Safety CLS Family Involvement Coordinators0.0 CLS
Slide 10Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction District Level Funding
Slide 11Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Districtwide SupportAll GradesStaff Type Base Enrollment1000Student Technology0.628CLS Facilities, Maintenance, and Grounds1.813CLS Warehouse, Laborers, and Mechanics0.332CLS 2776: Districtwide Support
Slide 12Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Central AdministrationPercentStaff Type Total Central Admin Staff5.3% Percent Certificated Administrators25%CAS Percent Classified75%CLS 2776: Central Administration Central Administration is 5.3% of staffing units generated as K-12 teachers, School Level Staffing, and Districtwide Support. The Central Administration percentage is NOT applied to enhancements. Examples include: Poverty, Lab Science, AP/IB, CTE, Skills Centers, or Categorical Program Staffing.
Slide 13Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Maintenance, Supplies, and Operating CostsPer Student Starting $$ Target Values SY Total MSOC per Student FTE$517.91$1, Technology$54.43$ Utilities and Insurance$147.90$ Curriculum and Textbooks$58.44$ Other Supplies and Library Materials$124.07$ Instructional Professional Development for Certificated and Classified Staff $9.04$18.89 Facilities Maintenance$73.27$ Security and Central Office$50.76$ : MSOC – Formerly Known as NERC MSOC values for Lab Science, CTE exploratory, CTE preparatory, and Skills Centers will be defined in the omnibus appropriations act.
Slide 14Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Other Funding
Slide 15Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Categorical Program Current Funding Current funding is based on dollars only. No detail about staffing or service delivery is provided. Difficult to determine what the legislature is actually funding.
Slide 16Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Categorical ProgramsHours Per Week Staff Type Class Size15Student Learning Assistance Program1.5156CIS Transitional Bilingual Instruction4.7780CIS Highly Capable2.1590CIS 2776: Categorical Programs Calculated hours above are converted to staffing units for funding purposes. (Assumed to be teachers.) Initially to be funded using statewide staff mix factor, but could convert to district specific staff mix in the future. Designed to be cost neutral. Funds must be used for these programs. Allocations only; districts decide on appropriate expenditures within the program to meet student needs.
Slide 17Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction LAP: Poverty and Bilingual concentration factors are not continued. – hold harmless provided to those districts in lieu of continuation of that formula component. Current groups headed by OSPI are developing new funding formula proposals for programs such as LAP and TBIP. Categorical Programs
Slide 18Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction 2776: Special Education Special Education funding did not change. Special EducationPercent of Basic Ed and MSOC Birth to Pre-Kindergarten1.15 Kindergarten to age
Slide 19Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction LOOKING FORWARD What comes next?
Slide 20Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction 2776 Build Out Legislation targets ending value for K-3 class size and MSOC. Establishes a poverty enhancement for schools with FRPL > 50%; however, it does not implement.
Slide 21Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Career and Technical EducationMiddleHighStaff Type Base Enrollment100 Student Certificated AdministrationNot Defined CAS Teachers4.516 CIS Other Certificated SupportNot Defined CIS 2776: CTE and Skills Centers Skills Center StaffingHighStaff Type Base Enrollment100Student Certificated AdministrationNot DefinedCAS Teachers5.272CIS Other Certificated SupportNot DefinedCIS CTE and Skills Center pupil FTE are included in classified staffing calculations under school level staffing and districtwide support.
Slide 22Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Transition of Formula: Hold Harmless SHB 2776 states that the Legislature intends that funding shall not be decreased below current levels. – Per-pupil basic education funding. – Funding streams are discretely held harmless. – At the school district level.
Slide 23Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction What does this mean to the F-203? Many more variables that may be revised under the “X” option. Hold harmless (BEA) will not be a part of the F-203. LAP hold harmless can be manually entered based on calculations from an excel model provided. Capacity in this system is greater than expected implementation will utilize. Programers will remain on site during the F-203 roll out for fixes and trouble shooting.
Slide 24Financial Resources and Governmental Relations Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Questions and Answers