Workforce Essentials Ms. Baumgartner
Define leadership Discuss different types of leadership skills Explain the purpose of a Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) Identify CTSO’s Discuss parliamentary procedure and how it is used
This chapter focuses on leadership within an organization Leadership - the process of influencing people in order to accomplish the goals of the organization
The following six types of skills represent actions and behaviors that most leaders seem to share: Leaders are good communicators Leaders develop committed followers Leaders set high standards Leaders are role models Leaders search out key issues and problems Leaders are involved in external relations These skills can be learned by anyone!
Career and technical student organizations (CTSO’s) are nonprofit, national organizations with state and local chapters Each organization is linked with an occupational area, such as business, home economics, or health occupations These organizations function as a key part of career and technical education They give students opportunities to function as junior members of a trade or profession
Students to apply skills learned in the classroom and interact with others in the occupational area They develop a respect for the occupation and its code of ethics – rules for professional practice and behavior Other outcomes for students involved in CTSO’s include service, developing decision-making skills, and building confidence The national organization produces guidelines for students and teachers
There are several different CTSO’s, we will discuss the following: DECA – an organization for future leaders in marketing, merchandising, and management FBLA – seeks to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship HOSA – enhances the delivery of quality healthcare and promotes health care careers
Parliamentary procedures is a way to conduct a meeting in a fair and orderly manner It is called parliamentary because it comes from the rules and customs of the British Parliament Congress and other lawmaking bodies follow this procedure The basic principles of parliamentary procedure are majority rule, protection of the minority, and the orderly consideration of one subject at a time
An organization operating according to parliamentary procedure adopts a set of bylaws The bylaws define the basic characteristics of the organization and describe how it will operate They explain qualifications for membership and procedures for selection of members The bylaws state the duties of officers and how they will be elected
An organization usually elects a president, a vice president, a secretary, and a treasurer once a year The president presides at meetings and supervises the work of other officers The vice president assists the president and chairs meeting when the president is absent The secretary notifies members of meetings, keeps the minutes, and takes care of all correspondence The treasurer keeps a record of income and expenses and prepares the financial reports
When these officers are elected, a member may nominate a fellow member Usually, after 2 more people have been nominated, the voting takes place by secret ballot The person receiving the majority vote is the elected officer A majority is a vote of at least one more than half of the people who vote
Most organizations require that a quorum be present before a meeting may begin A quorum is a majority of the total membership An organization’s bylaws usually provide for an order of business – the standard series of steps followed in a meeting A meeting actually proceeds according to a list of items to be taken care at that particular meeting – an agenda
An important part of any meeting is making, discussing, and disposing of motions A motion is a brief statement of a proposed action There are 4 types of motions: Main motions – tools used to introduce new business Secondary motions – modify/dispose main motions Incidental motions – arise out of business being conducted Privileged motions – deal with the welfare of the group The motions are listed in order of precedence, or rank of priority
Different rules apply to a motion regarding whether it needs to be seconded, whether it is debatable, whether it can be amended, and so on An organization often has a parliamentarian who advises the presiding officer on matter of procedures Parliamentary procedure does not have to be complicated, it just takes time to learn One of the best ways to learn it is to join and participate in a CTSO!
“I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people.” -Mohandas Gandhi