Chapter 6 Beginning a New job Workforce Essentials Ms. Baumgartner
6.1 Your First Day at Work Anxiety is the state of feeling worried or uneasy, usually about something that may happen in the future You may have anxiety about your new job, try to relax Remember! You were hired because the employer believed YOU were the best person for the job Your employer wants you to succeed and understands it will take time for you to learn the company’s rules and procedures
6.1 Your First Day at Work Large companies usually have a formal employee orientation program Training for a new employee on a company’s policies and procedures They can orient (train) several employees at once So all receive same information Other companies might send you somewhere else for training immediately Small organizations may have you shadow an experienced employee for the day
5-1 Assessment Name 2 things to remember to help relieve pre-employment anxiety What are 2 reasons by big companies conduct employment orientation programs
6.2 Workplace Management During your first days, you will learn how the company is organized and what the written rules are. Also: How workplace is laid out Where your work station is How to keep track of how many hours you work Where to look for posted work schedules What to do if you have questions All organizations, including schools, have lines of authority and responsibility Authority is the power or rank to give orders and make assignments to others Responsibility deals with the duty to follow an order or carry out a work assignment
6.2 Workplace Management The flow of authority/responsibility can be shown in an organization chart (Example) Page 83 Each person or group of workers in an organization does different tasks President/Manager delegates tasks to people (assigns tasks to lower ranking people) Each level in the organization is responsible to another level—reports to another person When you begin work, you will be given a job title
6.2 Workplace Management If you start out in an entry-level position, you will probably have a lot of responsibility and little or no authority Answering to a supervisor or boss is called reporting to authority Formal reporting: based on rank Informal reporting: reporting to a specific person for a temporary time period (during a special project) Be aware of the chain of command and who you need to report to
6.2 Workplace Management Most companies have written policies and rules These ensure all employees are treated fair and equally Some rules are required by state and federal laws Others are required to promote good morale and positive working relationships mood or spirit, such as the attitude and emotion of employees
6.2 Workplace Management Formal rules often appear in a company policy manual (booklet given to new employees) (Example) Page 84 Common items in a policy manual are: Pay rates & benefits Attendance & punctuality Leave Work schedule/Records Expenses and reimbursements (pay back $$ spent) Due process (right to be notified of a complaint against you and state your case before decision) Probation & review (trial period where performance is observed and evaluated
6-2 Checkpoint Which is more important to a new hire: authority or responsibility? Why? What is the difference between formal and informal reporting? What 2 purposes do written policies/rules serve in a company? What should you do if a subject of interest is not covered in a policy manual?
6.3 Supervisors & Form W-4 On the job, unless you are self-employed, you will work under the direction of a supervisor will be responsible for your training and seeing that you learn the company rules He/she will observe how well you perform on the job
6.3 Supervisors & Form W-4 Start off on the right foot with your supervisor by doing the following Use your supervisor for communication Ask the supervisor for direction Don’t ask for or expect special treatment Accept and use the supervisor’s suggestions
6.3 Supervisors & Form W-4 Every worker MUST pay federal income tax Your employer will take income tax out of every paycheck The amount of tax withheld depends on 3 things: Amount of $ you earn Marital status # of allowances, or tax exemptions, you are entitled to claim A single person is entitled to 1 allowance
6.3 Supervisors & Form W-4 On form W-4, you will provide info about your marital status and # of allowances you are entitled to (Example) Page 88 Some people may be exempt from tax withholdings they do not have to pay taxes People who earn less than a certain amount of $ in a year are usually exempt
6-3 Checkpoint how is the job of a student similar to a job of a paid employee? Name 2 ways What are 4 ways to start a good relationship with an employer? Briefly explain each What 3 things determine how much tax is withheld from your paycheck?
Activities Notes/Checkpoint Questions Chapter 6 Review 4, 6-18, 21 Worksheets Company policies and rules (my page 84)