Second Declension: Masculine Nouns/Adjectives Apposition Word Order


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Presentation transcript:

Second Declension: Masculine Nouns/Adjectives Apposition Word Order Wheelock Chapter III Second Declension: Masculine Nouns/Adjectives Apposition Word Order Push apposition and adjectives... and base+endings

Second Declension Second Declension is merely a different pattern of endings than First Declension With regard to gender, second declension nouns can be masculine or neuter 2nd declension masculine nouns typically end in -us macrons: left shift + right alt +3 and then the vowel

Second Declension Masculine Singular Plural Nominative amīcus amīcī the friend(s) Genitive amīcōrum of the friend(s) Dative amīcō amīcīs to/for the friend(s) Accusative amīcum amīcōs Ablative by/with/from the friend(s) Vocative amīce O, friend(s)

Masculines ending in -us Note: 2nd declension masculine nouns ending in -us are the ONLY nouns whose vocative is not identical to its nominative. Marcus (nominative) --> Marce (vocative) fīlius --> fīlī, Publius --> Publī Adjectives will follow the same pattern of endings!

2nd Masculine ending in -er Some 2nd declension masculine nouns end in -er. Remember the following: --the first word listed is always your nominative --puer, puerī --go to the genitive to form the base --ager, agrī

Apposition Marcum, amīcum meum, videō. An appositive is a word or phrase "put near" a noun as an explanatory equivalent The nice Latin editors usually offset these with commas for your convenience

Word Order Latin does not rely on word order as English does. Typically, your subject is near the beginning, and your verb is at the end. It is crucial for us to pay attention to ENDINGS of words.

Quiz What case(s) may be represented by the ending -īs? Give an example (in English) of an appositive. Translate virōrum. Give the vocative form of fīlius, fīliī. Give the vocative form of puer, puerī. What would be the base of puer, puerī?

Translate Valē, mī amīce. Virōs in agrō videō. Amīcum fīliī meī vidēs. Fīliō meō nihil datis. Nihil puerum avarum satiat. Puella nautam Romanum amat.

Translate Dēbētis, amīcī, dē populō Rōmānō cōgitāre. Īra mē habet. Paucī virī sapientiae student. Cimōn, vir magnae fāmae, magnam benevolentiam habet. David, amīcus Hudecī, magnus poeta est. Fortūna adversa virum magnae sapientiae nōn terret.

Horace's Sermōnēs Agricola et vītam et fortūnam nautae saepe laudat; nauta magnam fortūnam et vītam poētae saepe laudat; et poēta vītam et agrōs agricolae laudat. Sine philosophiā avārī virī dē pecūniā semper cōgitant. Multam pecūniam habent, sed pecūnia multa virum avārum nōn satiat.

Chapter 3 Quiz A B 1. semper 5. fīlius, fīliī 2. hodie 6. vir, virī 3. habeō, habēre… 7. dē (do NOT put “of”) 4. paucī, paucae, pauca 8. populus, populī 9. An amicable person can make a _________ easily. 10. His puerile behavior made him look like a _______.

Decline and translate numerus, numerī. Translate (2 points each): a) Virōs in agrō vidēmus. b) Nihil puerum avarum satiat. c) Agricola et vītam et fortūnam nautae saepe laudat. d) Marcum, amīcum meum, videt. e) Valē, amīce! 6th hour: switch d to “puella nautam Romanum amat.” Bonus: ad nauseam, ad lib, autumnal equinox (6th hour: procrastinate)

Chapter 3 Quiz A B 1. semper 5. fīlius, fīliī 2. hodie 6. vir, virī 3. habeō, habēre… 7. dē (do NOT put “of”) 4. paucī, paucae, pauca 8. populus, populī 9. A hodiernal person follows the customs of ________. 10. His puerile behavior made him look like a _______.

Decline and translate populus, populī. Translate (2 points each): a) Virōs in agrō videō. b) Nihil puerum avarum satiat. c) Nauta magnam fortūnam et vītam poētae saepe laudat. d) Marcum, amīcum meum, videt. e) Valē, amīce! 6th hour: switch d to “puella nautam Romanum amat.” Bonus: ad nauseam, ad lib, autumnal equinox (6th hour: procrastinate)