Response to Intervention Presented by: Agnes B. Domingo EDSP 6345, HBU, Spring 2014
Describe the essential components of Response to Intervention (RtI) Compare and contrast the different tiers of intervention Discuss how RtI works as both an intervention and a pre-referral system Describe the characteristics of curriculum- based measurement (CBM) and how educators use CBMs to progress monitor Discuss emerging issues Chapter Objectives
Is both an intervention process and a pre-referral process for special education. Consists of ongoing data collection, charting, and monitoring for student performance. Provides promising ways for general educators and special educators to work together. Can be conceptualized as a general education initiative with direct implications for children with disabilities. What is RtI?
General Education Teacher Reading/Language Arts Specialist Math Specialist Interventionists (Reading and Math) Administrators School Counselor Special Education Teachers Parents The RtI Team:
Tier 1: General Education Classroom *high-quality first line instruction *improving the environment *school-parent connections *progress monitoring through assessment Tier 2: Small Group *intensive research-based instruction on a specific area of difficulty *frequency and duration are specified *progress monitoring through assessment Tier 3:Individual *intensive research-based instruction *intervention focuses on identified need *frequency, duration, and curriculum are specific to increase the likelihood of student responding *progress monitoring through assessment Tiers of Intervention
Aligned with the curriculum It incorporates the same content that is covered during instruction and students are expected to respond the same way during assessment as they do during instruction Technically adequate Results are reliable, and they measure the content that they are expected to measure Administered and scored using a standard procedure Used to observe trends in student performance through ongoing assessments. Curriculum Based Measurement
High Quality Instruction: Instructional practices should promote proficiency in first and second languages/dialects Teachers should use culturally responsive pedagogy and curricula for literacy development, academic content and social skills Teachers should build positive relationships with culturally and linguistically diverse families and communities Responding to Diversity
When students do not respond to secondary intervention: How many interventions should we try? For how long? The implementation of interventions and intervention fidelity Emerging Issues
RtI: *Systematic *Data Collection *Charting *Progress Monitoring Begins in the General Education classroom Addresses both academic and behavioral concerns Involves a series of steps or tiers of intervention, with increasing frequency Progress monitoring using curriculum-based measurement (CBM) Continued lack of response to intervention: determine the need for special education (multi- disciplinary team) Summary
Cohen, L., & Loraine, S. (2011). Response to Intervention. Assessment of Children and Youth With Special Needs (4 ed., pp ). Saddle River: Pearson. Evers, R., & Sue, S. (2011). Using Assessment Data to Plan and Teach. Planning Effective Instruction for Students with Learning and Behavior Problems (pp ). Upper Saddle River: Pearson. References