UDC gym seniors citizens exercise session Teaching plan and strategies: communication, visual aids, return demonstration Time: 8:30 to 10:30
Learner need actual knowledge Emotional readiness level of motivation Experiential readiness previous skills and experience Learning style How to process information
Calculating BMI BMI = Weight (lb)/height (inch) x703 <18.5 Underweight normal weigh overweight >30 obese My plate, healthy eating habits
At the end of the health fair/health teaching session, senior citizen will Adopt effective health maintenance Cite benefits of healthy nutrition
Scale Height measurement Calculators/computers Brochures Pens and papers
Cooperative learning Teaching with visualization
Ask participants to summarize what they learned Asked participants to define BMI and its goals Ask participants to list five ways to maintain healthy habits
University of the District of Columbia. (2012). Instutite of Gerontology. Retrieved October 16 th, 2013 from nd_environmental_studies/institute_gerontology nd_environmental_studies/institute_gerontology Osborne H. (2005). Health literacy from A to Z: practical ways to communicate your health message. Boston: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Rankin SH, Stallings KD, & London F.(2005). Patient Education in Health and Illness. (5th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins