By: Kurtice Lindsey And Jacob Sharp
F: Frequency The number of times you do the exercise in the week Aerobic: Do it 3-5 days a week Anaerobic: Do it 2-4 days a week Cardiovascular Endurance: Do it 2-4 days a week Stretching: Do it daily
I: Intensity Aerobic: 60-85% max heart rate Anaerobic: Add more weight with same reps Cardiovascular Endurance: More Reps Stretching: stretch to feel slight discomfort
T: Time Aerobic: minutes Anaerobic: minutes Cardiovascular: minutes Stretching: minutes
T: Type Aerobic: Running and Jumping Anaerobic: Weight Lifting and Push ups Cardiovascular Endurance: Yoga and Sit Ups Stretching: Touching your toes, etc.
Overload: When you do more than you would normally do Ex. When you try to bench your max as much as you can.
Rest and Recovery: When you take a few days to rest after you exercise a great deal. Ex. Working out one day your upper body then the next day your legs letting your upper body rest.
Specificity: Working one group of muscles during your workout Example Working on Biceps so doing bicep curls, pushups and lifting. Ex. Working your biceps for an entire workout.
Diminishing returns: When you workout your body so it is strong then you stop and lose all that you gained. Ex. Exercising and lose six pounds then stop and gain seven pounds.
Four Steps to a Workout 1.Warm up this will get the blood circulating 2.Stretch so that your muscles and tendons will be loosened and ready for work 3.Workout is were you work the your body so that you can get your body strengthened 4.Cooldown is were you let your body gradually settle down so you don’t get a cramp
FITT Chart StretchingAerobicAnaerobicCardio Endurance Body Composition Daily 3-5 Days a Week 2-4 Days a Week 2-4 days a Week Daily Till Slight Discomfort 60-80% of Max Heart rate Add more weight Add more reps Light to Moderate minutes30-60 minutes20-40 minutes30-60 minutes30-60 minutes progressive Touching your toes and hurdelers Jogging and swimming Weight Lifting and Push ups Yoga and Sit ups Combination of Aerobic and Anaerobic
Kurtice’s Goals: Goal #1 F requency I intensity T ime T ype Run a six minute mile Run 3-5 times a week At 60-85% my target hart rate min. per workout Cardiovascular, and Muscular Endurance F requency I intensity T ime T ype Do fifty push- ups Workout 4-6 times a week At 50-65% my target heart rate min. per workout Any muscular endurance and muscular strength workouts of the chest Goal # 2
Jacob’s Goals Goal #1 F requency I intensity T ime T ype Run a six thirty mile Run 3-5 times a week At 60-85% my target hart rate min. per workout Cardiovascular, and Muscular Endurance Goal #2 F requency I intensity T ime T ype Do twenty pull- ups Workout 4-6 times a week At 50-65% my target heart rate min. per workout Any muscular endurance and muscular strength workouts of the chest