Welcome to Back to School Night Mrs. Mendoza 6 th Grade Core (English, Reading, Word History) On a piece of scratch paper, please answer the following questions: 1.What is the first city in the world to reach 1 million people? 2.Where is present day Mesopotamia?
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Classroom Policies Beginning of Period: Homework, Core Starter, Journals Silent Reading time every other day (double Core days) Keep water bottles in backpacks. WATER ONLY in bottles (no juice, sports drinks please). 3 Late Homework Passes; Homework assignments must be written daily in agenda** Absent work to be completed within number of days absent
Homework Monday-Thursday (some Fridays) Reading log included 80 minutes per week minimum Book Reports every quarter Look in agenda Parent Signatures –Occasional Tests –Reading Log (Title of story/minutes & pages read in agenda-please initial) –Missing Assignments-I will write missing assignments in assignments
Studying at Home Quiet environment with space to work Pencils, erasable pens, binder paper, highlighter Dictionary, Thesaurus Ruler, colored pencils Computer, if possible
World History Ancient Civilization Geography Early Humans Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt Ancient Israel and Ancient Greece India, China, Rome History Notebooks (Counts as a large percentage of their grade) -tests come from my notes that are written in the notebook; activities/homework assignments are to be placed in the notebook
English Grammar, Daily Oral Language Business Letter, Autobiography, Persuasive, Expository, Narrative, Poetry Common Core focuses on Persuasive, Expository and Narrative Journals Writing Process Wordly Wise Vocabulary Program Spelling English/Reading Notebook-Note-taking
Reading Reading: Students are required to read a minimum of minutes a week ( pages a week) Silent Reading-Students need to bring a chapter book daily Core Novels (2); Literature Circles
Grading Grades are based on the accumulation of points. Points are based on: Quizzes and tests Completion of assignments (in class and homework) Classroom participation (effort, supplies) Grades are available on HomeLink—sign up in office When checking HomeLink, please look for the assignments that state “grade completed” Our Grading Scale % = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D Below 60% = F Grades are calculated on cumulative percentage and are rounded up whenever possible.
Parent/ Guardian Involvement Check agendas and binders regularly-please initial every night Request absent work; website Wish List (on website) Please contact me with any questions or concerns (homework, etc) Edmodo—parent code
Other Information BrainPop User Name: sequoiams_teacher Password: school Scholastic Book Orders -can order online (information on website)
Ways to help your child succeed Establish a regular homework time in a quiet, well-lit, TV free space! Provide necessary study supplies Check your child’s agenda and homework nightly or as needed. Give spelling pre-tests and quiz your child on concepts that need to be memorized Establish routines that promote responsibility (backpack packed before bedtime, plenty of sleep, healthy breakfast)
Thank you for coming tonight! How to contact me: Your support is invaluable to me. I look forward to an amazing year working together!