War with Spain
Conflict in Cuba Reason expansionists were interested in Cuba: 90 miles from Florida Cuba had been trying for years to get rid of the imperialist power of Spain—Spain had always put down these rebellions 1896: Spain sent Gen. Valeriano Weyler to put down another revolt He forced thousands of farmers into concentration camps to prevent them from helping the rebels in Cuba Many Americans were sympathetic towards the Cubans—Americans saw the similarities between what the Cubans were going through & the American Revolution William Randolph Hearst used the situation in Cuba to sell newspapers—reporters used sensational stories, yellow journalism, to tell Americans about the events in Cuba
The Maine Incident Pres. McKinley was reluctant to go to war Newspaper printed a letter written by Spain’s minister to the U.S.; in the letter, McKinley was ridiculed for being weak—Americans were outraged by these remarks USS Maine had been sent to Havana to protect U.S. lives & property Feb. 15, 1898: the ship blew up, killing 260 sailors—newspapers at the time reported it was from a Spanish mine McKinley asked Congress for a declaration of war April 25—Spanish-American War began FYI: explosion was probably caused by an internal explosion April 20, 1898—Congress recognized Cuba’s independence & offered its help to the country Also adopted the Teller Amendment---once Cuba won its independence from Spain the U.S. would leave the government alone
War with Spain Beginning battles of the war actually took place on the Spanish-held islands of the Philippines U.S. fleet made their way into Manila Bay, led by Commodore George Dewey—U.S. fleet easily defeated the Spanish U.S. was able to gain support of Filipino rebels, led by Emilio Aguinaldo, Spanish were cut off & forced to surrender August 14, 1898 Very small army in Cuba & had very little training; they did not have the right equipment & were not prepared for the climate July 1898: U.S. troops attacked & wanted to capture San Juan Hill-Americans could then aim their guns down at Spanish troops Teddy Roosevelt had resigned from the navy & led a cavalry unit of 1,000 men up San Juan Hill The group was made up of college athletes, cowboys, American Indians, & African Americans, they were known as the Rough Riders
War with Spain Rough Riders didn’t have their horses, so they charged up on foot; they were able to clear the way for the rest of the army & the U.S. took San Juan Hill July 3, Navy sank a Spanish fleet off the coast of Cuba; Spanish suffered major casualties & were forced to surrender Peace Treaty Spain gave up all claim to Cuba Ceded Puerto Rico & Guam to the U.S. Spain gave up control of the Philippines, in return the U.S. paid Spain $20 million dollars Result: U.S. had become an imperialist power overseas & the U.S. had more economic power
Uproar over the Philippines U.S. wanted the Philippines for 4 reasons: It would serve as a trading post for goods from Asia Good place for merchant ships to refuel U.S. could bring democracy to the islands U.S. could keep out any European powers on the islands Feb. 6, 1899: Philippines were annexed to the U.S. Emilio Aguinaldo had set up a provisional government in the Philippines with himself as the president; he warned the U.S., Filipinos would go to war if the U.S. tries to take the island U.S. troops & Filipino rebels fought for 3 years over the control of the islands 1902: U.S. passed the Philippine Government Act Set up a governor & a 2-house legislature to rule U.S. would appoint the governor & the legislature’s upper house July 4, 1946—U.S. finally granted independence to the Philippines