DocuBank Website Branding Options You can elect to have your firms information appear on the DocuBank Member home page for each of your clients. You do this by adding your personalized image and text to Client Branding. You can also choose to add similar information to your clients SAFE landing page. You do this by adding text to SAFE Branding. This works best if you use Google Chrome as your web browser while setting up your branding options. You can always switch back to whatever browser you prefer when you are done.
Here is what your clients page will look like when you are done! Your custom text Your color logo
Setting up Client Branding First, Youll need to login to your firms DocuBank Resource Center. Dont know your password? We will be happy to help.
Setting up your Branding Then, Click on the Client Branding tab on the bottom of the screen First time in your Provider Resource Center? Come back and look around. Theres some good stuff here.
Click up here to add a full color logo. Square shaped logos look best. PNG32 files dont work. If your.png file isnt uploading, its probably png32. Convert the file to png24 or use a.gif or.jpg.
You can then choose the correct image from your computer..gif files work best. If your image does not appear right away, click on another tab and then click back. Some very large images may slow the system down.
You can then type the text you would like on the top of the page. If you add your website to your lines of text it will be a live link to your site and cannot be the first line of text.
You can then select the color you would like that text displayed in. And Click SAVE
A preview screen will pop up showing how your image and text will look. Logo Text Not happy with the look? Click back to go back and make changes.
Change colors and text if necessary Simply choose a new file if youd like to replace the image. Click Save You only need to choose delete logo if you just dont want an image at all.
Congratulate yourself on how nice your revised branding looks!
Here is what your clients page will look like! Your custom text Your color logo
Once youve completed the Client Branding you can click on SAFE Branding and set up your SAFE specific custom text and logo there. You can choose a different image and text for this branding opportunity, or use the same you just used for Client Branding. The choice is yours.
Questions? Call us: One Last Step: us: To let us know youve set up your branding so we can keep you up to date on updates and enhancements.