WHAT DO WE ALREADY KNOW ABOUT DNA? DNA is __________ stranded DNA is made up of four bases: ____, ____,_____, and _____. The __________ of these bases is how the genetic information is stored. double A T CG order
A DNA fingerprint is a unique pattern of bands formed by the fragments from an organism’s _______. Used for evidence at a ___________ scene. Used in establishing ____________________ between two individuals. Used in classification to compare closeness between __________________________. NOTES: DNA FINGERPRINTING crime relationships different species DNA
HOW DO WE MAKE A DNA FINGERPRINT? Crime scene Establishing Relationships Comparing Species
HOW DO WE MAKE A DNA FINGERPRINT? To make DNA fingerprint two processes are typically used _____________________(restriction fragment length polymorphism)- using a restriction enzyme to cut the DNA into small pieces. Running DNA in a _______ Electrophoresis chamber. A gel is used to separate the pieces of DNA by _____________. The restriction enzyme cuts at a specific place, making a unique set of bands for each person’s DNA. RFLP Analysis gel length
HOW DO WE MAKE A DNA FINGERPRINT? DNA from blood or other tissue is cut into various and __________ lengths by specific restriction enzymes (this is called RFLP Analysis). unique
Next, a gel (with a consistency similar to gelatin) is formed; leaving small _______ (or holes) open at one end. HOW DO WE MAKE A DNA FINGERPRINT? wells
Small amounts of _______samples (from the RFLP analysis) are placed into these wells (see diagram A, above). HOW DO WE MAKE A DNA FINGERPRINT? DNA
The gel is placed into a solution and an electrical ________is run through the gel. The end of the gel with the wells in it is negatively charged and the opposite end is positively charged (see diagram B). HOW DO WE MAKE A DNA FINGERPRINT? charge
The negatively charged DNA fragments travel toward the ___________end of the gel. The _____________the fragment, the __________it moves through the gel. Fragments that are the ____________from the well are the smallest. HOW DO WE MAKE A DNA FINGERPRINT? positive shorter further farthest
A ________ which sticks to DNA is put on the gel. This allows the bands appear clearly HOW DO WE MAKE A DNA FINGERPRINT? stain
The end result is a unique __________________ or “DNA fingerprints” in the gel. HOW DO WE MAKE A DNA FINGERPRINT? banding pattern