English I Pre-AP Ms. Griffin Sign up for class updates by to I send out text blasts once a week about things coming up! Your children can sign up, too! **Standard message rates apply. Please be sure to answer the survey on one of the netbook computers.
ARRC Course Overview: First Semester Unit One: Short Story, Poetry, and the Reader- Writer Workshop Unit Two: Drama and Myth Unit Three: Analyzing Arguments Second Semester Unit Four: Informational/Expository Unit Five: Integration of Multiple Genres Unit Six: Using Research to Persuade
Short stories from the text book The Pearl by John Steinbeck (starting this week) * Speeches/Informational texts Animal Farm by George Orwell * Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare Night by Elie Wiesel The Odyssey by Homer Life of Pi by Yann Martel * * books that will need to be purchased by the student A letter went out today(A) and tomorrow (B) for you to sign and approve this reading list.
Materials Required: 3-ring binder at least 1 inch 5 Dividers Composition or spiral notebook College-ruled paper Pens (Blue, Black, and Red) Pencils Highlighters (Pink, Blue, Yellow, Green) Recommended: Small flash drive to save computer work Colored Pencils or Markers Box of Tissues
We’ve read three short stories “The Flowers” by Alice Walker “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell Writing Short Stories – Open topic story that includes well-developed characters, an interesting conflict and resolution within the plot and the use of different literary devices. Annotations Rhetorical Device Presentations
Late work is work not turned in when a teacher specifies the work is due A grade for work turned in after a due date will not be more than a 70% Major grades cannot be turned in more than two blocks late. It’s imperative that your children come and talk to me if they have been absent so that they can get their missed work. It helps if they know they are going to be out of school they can come before hand and get their assignments.
GRADE TYPEDESCRIPTIONWEIGHT Major Grade Tests Projects Long Papers Performance Assessments Minimum of three per six weeks. 50% Minor Grade Smaller projects Shorter papers Quizzes Minimum of three per six weeks. 40% Daily Grade Class Activities Notebook checks Daily work done in class or homework items Notes Minimum of 1 per week. 10%
Purpose: The purpose of a Redo/Retake is to ensure that students demonstrate minimum mastery of the material. Procedure: A Redo/Retake is available when a student earns a grade below 70% on a major or minor grade. Daily grades are not available for Redo/Retake. The maximum grade a student can earn on a Redo/Retake is 70% if the student scores 70% or more on the Re-do/Re-take. A student can Redo/Retake any major grade and up to two minor grades per marking period. When a student earns a grade below 70%, the student will complete a Redo/Retake request form and turn it in to the teacher. The form requires a parent signature and will be available to students in the classroom or on teacher websites. Redo/Retake assignments may be different from the original assignment. A time limit for Redo/Retake assignments will be established by the classroom teacher.
(checked frequently) Phone: Web: CRHSPreApEnglish1.weebly.comCRHSPreApEnglish1.weebly.com msgriffinspage.weebly.com Room Number: D110 Tutorials: Wednesday morning 8:30-9:05 & Thursday after school 4:15-5:15 or others by appointment. Each English I teacher has tutorial times posted in their windows and if I don’t have tutorials one morning, the student is welcome to go to one of the other English I teachers!
Feel free to set up a conference via or call me (512)