Blocks 2,8 Students will copy the word, meaning, and an example sentence into the vocabulary section of their spirals. The quiz is next Wednesday and the notes will be checked the same day.
In order, one after another These integers are listed in consecutive order, from least to greatest. We won the award for seven consecutive years in a row.
A long period of time in the past It would have been so cool to live during the era of the dinosaurs!
Hasty, too fast, in a rush Mrs. Myers rushed headlong into her meeting room, hurrying as fast as she could. Jamey rushed headlong into the girls’ restroom, trying to get there quickly to take care of an emergency!
Last-minute; without preparation; on the spot Uncle Leo was not ready for the impromptu speech at the party. He at least wanted a little bit of time to practice first!
To start; to begin without being told Martina initiated the conversation with Paul by walking up to him and introducing herself.
Something that is there to stay (possibly forever)
Something that happened before, or prior to, something else happening Prior to the flood, we were warned about needing to leave the area.
A quick break; a brief rest He relaxed in his comfortable chair, taking a brief respite from the busy day.
necessary right now! It is urgent that you call me right away! You are NOT going to believe this!!!