Oedipus the King By: AG
First sends his brother-in-law to Oracle to figure out how to catch the murder of the first king. GO TO ORACLE! Uhh?
Creon comes back and tells him the Oracle says Oedipus to find killer of Laius.
People find out that he is a murder!!!! Blind prophet refuses to speak YOU’RE THE ONE WHO KILLED KING LAIUS! Get out of my palace.
Hints darkly of incestuous marriage, a future of blindness, infamy, and wandering!!
Queen says ignore prophecies cause prophet said first husband would die hands of their son. Still says that husband died at crossroads by robbers.
Sends for only witness, Shepard. Finds out that Polybus and Merope are not real parents.
Queen Jocasta knows about Oedipus killing her husband/his father. So she kills herself.
Oedipus takes pins from mothers gown and rakes out his eyes. Then begs Creon to kill him.