DO NOW BE QUIET Get your computers Go to this website Click on VERB TENSES on the left in gray Begin EXERCISE ONE – you must have at least 95% When you are done…raise your hand..i will check it…and then close your laptop
Achieve 3000 Get your computers Log onto your achieve 3000 Check your MAIL BOX – TEACHER SY: UNIT ASSIGNMENT: SEPTEMBER 11 You should have an assignment from me in there – -TEACHER SY. UNIT ASSIGNMENT: SEPTEMBER 11 9/11 a boy who remembers When you are done logging in Grab your Achieve 3000 notebooks and go back to your seat and sit quietly
Achieve 3000 You must do Achieve 3000 in cornel notes
Achieve 3000 Everyone must do the BEFOR and AFTER poll Write your answers and thoughts down on your notebook like so
Achieve 3000 You must write down all the vocabulary words and definitions like so
Achieve 3000 You must pick THREE summaries and do them in your notebook like so. EACH SUMMARY MUST HAVE 4 sentences!!!
Achieve 3000 If there is a poll do the poll- in your note book Read the article Do the summaries – Pick three paragraphs in your article. Write a summary for the 3 paragraphs you picked. in your note book-4 sentences per paragraph. Do the vocab words – in your note book DO THE ACTIVITY – IN YOUR COMPUTER Do the after poll – in your note book When you are done, raise your hand, I will sign it and give you a post it – LOG OFF and put your computer away So you can do the exit quiz – what is personification.
Exit Ticket When you are done. Raise your hand. I will sign your notebook. Log off and put your notebook/computer away. I will give you a post it. What is personification. Write your name. When you are done, leave it on your desk.
Achieve 3000 You may begin now Exit Ticket: – What PERSONIFICATION?