1. write v. DEF: To put down on paper using words
2. right: adj. DEF: (adj.) Correct (adj.) The opposite of left (n.) a privilege or power right: n.
3. rite: n. DEF: A ceremonial act, usually religious
4. accept: v. def. To take something offered Please accept this purple flower.
5. except: prep. def: excluding; but They were all there except me.
6. to: preposition DEF: In the direction of
7. too: adverb DEF: also, in addition an excessive amount
8. two: adj. DEF: a number
9. your: possessive pronoun DEF: The possessive case of you
10. you’re: contraction Explanation: Contraction of two words you + are = you’re the apostrophe (‘)shows a letter or letters have been omitted (left out)
11. quiet: adjective DEF: To make no noise or soft noise
12. quite: adverb DEF: Almost completely A great many