Welcome to 7th grade Social Studies
Standards Based Grading at Windsor Knolls Middle School “If your grading system doesn't guide students toward excellence, it's time for something completely different.” Patricia L. Scriffiny
What is a “standard?” ● Standards are final learning goals or outcomes. Standards can be found in the Curriculum Now database on FCPS.org and focus on National and State College and Career Readiness Standards. ● In standards-based grading, students receive a grade for each standard or set of related standards.
Example of an FCPS Social Studies Standard: “Describe how and why people migrate and analyze consequences of the migration.”
Why Standards-Based Grading? ● With standards based grading, grades on Pinnacle will reflect a student’s degree of mastery of specific Social Studies Standards. ● Teachers, parents, and students will be able to see exactly where students are excelling and where they may need additional help.
Why Standards-Based Grading? ● Traditional grading can result in grades that are a combination of student behaviors and student performance. Student #1: ●always prepared ●pays attention ●completes all work ●does extra credit ●fails tests and quizzes GRADE IN CLASS: B Student #2: ●comes unprepared ●incomplete assignments ●missing assignments ●tends to be off-task ●earns “A”s on tests GRADE IN CLASS: C These students have “earned” grades that are not reflective of their levels of content mastery.
Let’s take a look at SBG, style!
Angry Birds Standard: Knock down the green pig using 3 or less angry birds.
Traditional Grading using Angry Birds ●Each level is an assignment ●Imagine if you could only play each level once and you were stuck with that score. ●Traditional grading focuses on assessment of task rather than concept/standard mastery.
Standards-Based using Angry Birds ●Each level is a standard, not a task. ●You are allowed to go back and play each level until you master it. ●The focus is on concept/standard mastery
Reassessement Reassessment becomes an essential component of every students’ social studies experience. ●Student requested ●At Teacher insistence :) ●Cut-off dates o Midterm o End of term
Scale Comparison: %A %B %C %D 59% & belowF 100%AAdvanced Mastery 95%AComplete Mastery 85%BEssential Mastery 75%CBasic Mastery 65%DLimited Mastery 55%FNo Mastery 50%FNo Attempt TRADITIONAL GRADING SCALE STANDARDS-BASED GRADING SCALE There are NO zeros when using SBG.
Two zeros requires 8 grades of 75% to raise the grade to a 60%!
How Pinnacle will change: Worksheet #175% Group Discussion100% Vocab Quiz60% Unit 1 Study Guide90% Unit 1 Test65% Latitude & Longitude85% Using Scale on a Map65% Interpreting a Map95% Analyzing Population Growth95% Analyzing Consequences of Migration 100% SNAPSHOT OF A TYPICAL GRADEBOOK USING TRADITIONAL GRADING USING SBG, THE “ASSIGNMENT TITLE” WILL BE DIRECTLY RELATED TO A STANDARD OR GROUP OF STANDARDS
Pinnacle scores are calculated based on a Social Studies rubric: Latitude & Longitude85% Using Scale on a Map65% Interpreting a Map95% Analyzing Population Growth95% Analyzing Consequences of Migration 100%
Pinnacle Categories for Social Studies 25% 75% Social Studies Content Standards Literacy & Writing Standards
7th Grade History of the Medieval World ●Medieval Europe and SW Asia ●Medieval Africa ●Medieval Asia ● Mesoamerica
Come prepared to class with: ●writing utensils ●looseleaf paper ●folder, binder or section of binder to keep social studies items OPTIONAL: markers, colored pencils, scissors (I will provide these items for student use)
For additional information: ● Course documents ● Class activities ● Standards for each unit ● Useful links
Monday the FUN begins!!!