D-Day. Intro Allied forces have been steadily gaining ground on the war in Europe However, Germany controlled most of Europe. December 4-6, 1943 Roosevelt.


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Presentation transcript:


Intro Allied forces have been steadily gaining ground on the war in Europe However, Germany controlled most of Europe. December 4-6, 1943 Roosevelt and Churchill meet in Cairo, Egypt to plan the invasion of France. Known as Operation Overlord

The Plan 1.5 million American Soldiers, 12,000 airplanes and 5 million tons of equipment were sent to England. Some things had to take place before the invasion could occur.

The Plan 1.Had to be at night to hide the ships crossing the channel 2.Had to be at low tide to see the beach obstacles 3.Low tide had to be at dawn to see the targets on the coast 4.Had to be a moonlit night for the paratroopers 5.Had to have good weather

German Thoughts The Germans knew sooner or later the Allies would have to invade France, but when. They thought the Allies would invade Calais, the area of France closest to England. The Allies placed their best General (Patton) and a fake army made of wood in England close to Calais

The Invasion Allied planes went up and down the coast hitting bridges, bunkers and radar sites. The Navy shelled the 5 beaches of Utah, Omaha, Gold, Sword, and Juno All beaches were taken easily except for Omaha. The Navy and planes had missed the important places and the U.S. suffered 2,500 losses

Results The D-Day invasion was a success The Allies now had a stronghold on the European main land. The U.S. could march toward Germany from the West while the U.S.S.R. would attack from the East