In the power point presentation I will inform you about the interesting current news that was found. The news that was found currently about Leonardo will give you a chance to see what he may have been trying to tell us all these years. All of these mysteries about Leonardo have finally started to all unravel.
What news is currently being reported about Leonardo- Da-Vinci?
In 2005 Leonardo’s workshop was found. The people that had found it investigated the workshop and found an angel with two birds along it’s sides. This art work has never been seen and is believed to be one of his mystery works!!!
In 2008 three never before seen sketches, possibly made by Leonardo, have been found on the back of his painting “Virgin and child with St. Anne”. One of the drawings were a horse’s head, the second one was of a half of a skull, and the third found late after theses two was a baby Jesus playing with a lamb. These sketches were never found before because they were each very faded and very old.
Picture of three sketches. The horse, the skull, and the baby Jesus playing with a lamb.
Did People Find Anything On His Paintings? Three mysterious sketches on the back of “Virgin and child with St. Anne” Code in her????
Yes. Because one thing someone had made a theory about the painting “The last supper”. They think that they thought that they found a hidden women holding a child. This was found in 2005.
Another theory was made about the “Mona Lisa” it was that it may have been a self portrait of Leonardo him self. Of course he painted it, who else?
The last theory that was made was also about the “Mona Lisa”. This theory was that many people believe that when the women who was getting painted she may have been pregnant but nobody really knows so it’s a mystery.
Are the books, Angels and Demons, or The Da-vinci Code fact or fiction?
Fact. Because it is said that Leonardo left some of his codes in some of his paintings. Also that he left some of his stories and that he’s trying to tell us something. Three mysterious sketches on the back of “Virgin and child with St. Anne”
There’s both fact and fiction in these books. Some of the fiction is some of the made up theories, and the fact is that Leonardo left part of his code in “Mona Lisa”,the painting. But that’s just a legend or is it???
In “Angels and Demons” and “The Da -vinci Code” in our times which of course is now, there in the painting “The last supper” there were hidden things for example the hidden lady holding a baby. There were many hidden things, especially in his art work because each piece of his art tells a story for all of us to learn something about.
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