Instructions: Just simply click one of the answers, three are wrong one is right. For every wrong answer, there is an example of what the actual answer is. Good luck! Have fun! Click here to begin.
What does BMI stand for? Brain mass IQ? Big mass index? Big mac ingredients? Body mass index?
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What is BMI used to indicate? Height to size ratio? Height to width ratio? Height to weight ratio? Length to width ratio?
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Well done! It is height to weight. Click the tick to continue to the next question!
How do you know if you are overweight? You have a BMI of 20. You have a BMI of 16. You have a BMI of >30. You have a BMI of 25.
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Well done! So now you must stay between 18.5 to 24.9 on the BMI scale. Click the tick to continue to the next question!
How do you know if you are obese? You have a BMI of 20. You have a BMI of 16. You have a BMI of >30. You have a BMI of 25.
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Well done! It is over 30. Click the tick to continue to the next question!
How do you know if you are obese? You have a BMI of 20. You have a BMI of 16. You have a BMI of >30. You have a BMI of 25.
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How many pounds (lbs) make up a stone? 14 lbs = 1 stone. 11 lbs = 1 stone. 22 inches = 1 stone. 1 kg = 1 stone.
Unlucky. Sorry, click the cross to try the question again. 13 pounds is the highest you can be before you reach a stone.
Well done! It is 14 lbs. Did you know that historically it was used for produce and other market selling but today it's used largely to express body weight. Click the tick to continue to the next question!
What is the best way to exercise your whole body? Walking. Swimming. Eating tuna. Sleeping.
Unlucky. Sorry, click the cross to try the question again. HINT!!! The best way to exercise your whole body happens in water.
Well done! Swimming is the best exercise to work your whole body so if I was you, get your youth to become good swimmers.. Click the tick to continue to the next question!
? You have a BMI of 20. You have a BMI of 16. Correct. You have a BMI of 25.
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Well done! It is over 30. Click the tick to continue to the next question!
How do you know if you are obese? Correct. You have a BMI of 16. You have a BMI of >30. You have a BMI of 25.
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Well done! It is over 30. Click the tick to continue to the next question!
Which formula is the correct formula to calculate BMI? BMI=Weight(kilo)/Height(m)² BMI=Weight(kilo)*Height(m) BMI=Weight(kilo)+Height(m ) BMI=Weight(kilo)/Height(m)
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Well done! You have chosen the correct equation. Click the tick to continue to the final slide!
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