Will Parnell
History First F-22 flight took place on September 1997 It was manufactured by Lockheed Martin Aeronautics. The final F-22 was completed in December F-22 production was ended due to the capabilities of the F-35.
Accidents April 1992, a YF-22 crashed due to a flight control software error. Dec. 20, 2004, an F-22 crashed during takeoff because of a malfunction in the flight-control system. Mar. 25, 2009, an F-22 crashed because the pilot lost consciousness momentarily.
Nov. 16, 2010, an F-22 crashed because the Environmental Control System and On-Board Oxygen Generating System shut down. Nov. 15, 2012, an F-22 crashed because a chafed electrical wire ignited the fluid in a hydraulic line causing a fire that damaged the flight controls.