Photos of The Great Depression Think and Respond
Weekly Check In 1) Name Two alphabet agencies, what they did, and that was a departure from the past. 2) Give two examples of how Hoover responded to the Great Depression. FDR. 3) Give two specific examples of how people helped themselves during the depression from Zinn’s chapter “Self Help in Hard Times”.
Think… As you view the photographs, pay attention to: 1) what the figures are doing 2) where they may be located 3) your initial thoughts and feelings when you see the photos. Take notes on all of this and be prepared to share at the end.
Respond… How do these images make you feel? What do you think the people in the photos are feeling? weBased on what you have learned what can we do as individuals to help soften the blow of our economic recession? Self help is a good way to get attention and get your point across but without the support of the Government, how will things get done or go your way?