Great Britain/Ireland Notes
United Kingdom: A country made up of 4 countries England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland Great Britain: The island that includes England, Scotland, and Wales NOT a country Ireland: The island that includes Northern Ireland & the Republic of Ireland NOT a country
Scottish and English settled in the northern Ireland in 17 th Century Protestants Rest of Ireland was mostly Catholic North & South also divided economically North wealthier South poorer
20 th Century Irish Catholics wanted independence from Britain Irish Protestants wanted to remain under British Britain created two separate Irish states Irish Free State (called Republic of Ireland) in the South North (called Northern Ireland) remained under the control of the UK
“The Troubles”: conflict that went on between Catholics and Protestants living in Northern Ireland 1960s-1990s- sometimes bloody violence Nationalists/Republicans: Catholics Want Northern Ireland to become one country with Republic of Ireland Unionists/Loyalists: Protestants Want Northern Ireland to remain part of the UK
Conflict remains: the country is very divided Still some violence