This Is Me Jorge Emmanuel Perez
My Background I was born on April 9 th, 1996 I was born in Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico I am one hundred percent Mexican My hometown is Raleigh, North Carolina My first school was Brentwood Elementary School My first car was a black Mercedes-Benz
Personal Life I have a girlfriend named Johana Monroy We started dating November 23 rd, 2012 She is sixteen years old I go to a Hispanic Christian church My church is in Raleigh, NC I am a senior in high school I attend Hilltop Christian School
My Hobbies My general interests are my girlfriend, and sports Spending time with my girlfriend Playing soccer Lifting weights Watch soccer matches on television
My Family I live with my siblings and both parents I have two brothers, and I have no sisters My family and I love watching soccer on television together We have no pets My parents have been married for 24 years I am the middle child
Accomplishments I have a beautiful girlfriend I scored a goal in high school soccer In my entire education span I have had straight A’s five times I was saved at the age of thirteen I was baptized at the age of fourteen
Goals Marry my current girlfriend in the future Have a closer relationship to God Graduate with at least a 3.5 GPA Get accepted to the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill Go to the same university as my girlfriend Become a Computer Scientist
Fun Facts I really love my girlfriend Favorite Hobby: Spending time with my girlfriend Favorite Food: Mexican Enchiladas Favorite Dessert: Red Velvet Cheesecake Favorite Color: Navy Blue