ENTERING DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS Jamie Golden, MSN Student UCLA School of Nursing View presentation in “Slide Show” mode to see animations
Objectives Clarify or reinforce the unit expectation with respect to initiating discharge instructions Describe the significance of starting instructions early Suggest elements of discharge instructions that may be started in advance of day of discharge Provide everyone a job aid that offers step-by-step instruction for entering discharge instructions in CS-Link, as well as other useful tips and suggestions.
The Unit Expectation
Whose Responsibility Is It?
Purpose of Discharge Instructions (Krohn, 2008)
Press Ganey Associates found the following relationship relationship between hospital wait time and patient satisfaction: (Based on 4,830,042 survey responses from 989 facilities received between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2012) Financial implications now that hospital reimbursement is tied to HCAHPS scores Hospital Wait Time Patient Satisfaction (Stempniak, 2013)
Job Aid Step-by Step Instruction for Entering Discharge Instructions: Entering & Navigating the SmartText Template Editing Discharge Instructions Adding & Editing Healthwise® Patient Care Instructions Previewing & Printing the AVS
Job Aid Features: Notes Margin
Before Day of Discharge
Summary It is possible to start discharge instructions early It is important for improving discharge efficiency and supporting one another in accomplishing the 11 AM Discharge Goal Implications for patient satisfaction and hospital reimbursement Refer to your job aid for tips or any questions you may have about entering quality discharge instructions
References Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (2008). Transforming Care at the Bedside how-to guide: Increasing nurses’ time in direct patient care. Retrieved from NursesTimeinDirectPatientCare.aspx Krohn, D. A. (2008). Discharge instructions in the outpatient setting: Nursing considerations. Journal of Radiology Nursing, 27(1), dx.doi.org/ /j.jradnu Stempniak, M. (2013). What, no wait? Health and Health Networks, 87(11), Retrieved from dcrPath=/templatedata/HF_Common/NewsArticle/data/HHN/Magazine/ /Nov/1113HHN_Coverstory