Co-Teaching EDPS 410/665 Spring 2014
Consider: accommodations, modifications, personnel supports, settings LRE Decision Process Document current level of performance Develop student IEP objectives Determine how the objective or related set of objectives can be taught in the general education classroom. Consider: accommodations, modifications, personnel supports, settings
LRE process cont. Determine alternative LRE instructional settings for those objectives that cannot be taught in the general ed setting with the “use of supplementary aids and services.” Identify what additional settings or activities will provide opportunities for interactions with nondisabled peers. 6. Determine how student performance on IEP objectives will be evaluated
Personnel Supports General Education: student with a disability is served in the general ed class with no additional personnel support. Consultation: student receives at least one segment per month of direct service from the special education teacher Supportive instruction: student receives services from personnel other than a certified teacher in the general education classroom
The LRE Process Determine & document current levels of performance Develop student’s IEP objectives How can the objective(s) be taught in the general ed classroom? The LRE Process Mods & Accomms. Settings Personnel Supports For objectives that can’t be taught in GenEd, identify SpEd & community settings Identify additional settings/activities to provide opportunity for interaction with nondisabled peers
What is Co-Teaching? Co-teaching involves two or more certified professionals who contract to share instructional responsibility for a single group of students primarily in a single classroom or workspace for specific content or objectives with mutual ownership, pooled resources and joint accountability. Friend & Cook, 2000
Co-Teaching Involves two or more professionals Involves heterogeneous groups of students Shared delivery of instruction Shared physical space
Advantages to the General Educator ALL students learn - label or not . More time to learn content & share learning strategies. Less focus on individual problems. 2X the opportunity to assist students. Background info on special education students is provided. With help of special educator, meet the needs of individual student learning styles. Support for students who need organizational strategies! Peer pressure for appropriate behavior--negative behaviors are decreased. Professional growth . . . greater personal satisfaction!
Advantages for the Special Educator Time effective Teach with a content area expert and learn the expectations of the general education classroom. Spend more time and energy in assisting students to develop motivation, effort, and responsibility for their own learning. Have more opportunities to use learning strategies within content areas and to move toward generalization. "Reality check" for student goals within the general education setting. Partnership with a colleague in support of student IEP goals. Rewards of viewing first hand students' success and establishing credibility among their peers. Improved student behaviors. Mutual learning and appreciation for each other's expertise. Professional growth . . . greater personal satisfaction!
Advantages for ALL Students More time spent working cooperatively, learning content, and understanding students with different abilities. Strong emphasis on learning skills, organizational responsibility and preparedness. Diverse learning techniques and teaching techniques available. More contact time with teachers for school and personal issues. Unique learning needs met to the greatest extent possible Improved self-esteem. Opportunities for leadership and growth within the least restrictive environment. Less fear of failure due to successful experiences. Enhanced sense of responsibility. Better / more meaningful grades
Framework for Co-Teaching Shared system of beliefs Prerequisite skills Collaboration Classroom Practices Administrative Issues
Shared system of beliefs Teacher roles Student participation level Behavior management styles Equal partnership
Category of teacher belief How my co-teacher believes Sharing Beliefs Category of teacher belief How my co-teacher believes How I believe Noise Noisy classrooms interfere with some students’ learning A noisy classroom can be a busy and productive place Maintaining student notebooks for a grade All students responsible for maintaining daily updated notebook Students w/ organizational difficulties need structure built into the class for this
Prerequisite Skills Individual prerequisites Personal qualities and skills Pedagogical qualities and skills Discipline-specific qualities and skills
Collaboration Levels Planning Presenting Processing Problem-solving
Approaches to Co-Teaching One teach/one observe One teach/one circulate Station teaching model Parallel teaching Alternative teaching Team teaching
Cooperative Learning All students are assigned to heterogeneous groups and, under the guidance of the teacher, help one another master content previously presented by the teacher.
Administrative Issues Create culture for collaboration Creates opportunities for problem-solving A neutral 3rd party Creates logistics that make co-teaching feasible
Issues for Co-Teaching Content and modifications Planning Instructional format Parity Use of classroom space Noise level Routines Discipline Feedback Student assessment Teaching chores Confidentiality Pet peeves Whose students are these?
Lesson Planning General education teachers usually plan for groups of students Special education teachers typically plan for individuals
Co-Planning Lessons Who will be in each group or activity? What activities will keep each student motivated and busy? When, where, and for how long will the lesson plan be taught? Who is primarily responsible for each of the activities and assessments? Identify theme, topic, or goal of lesson Locate content in textbook and/or printed curriculum Which students cannot benefit from that content? all or nearly all students? by most of the students? some of the students? None of the students? How will activities take place?
Definitions “…to make fit or suitable by changing or adjusting” (Webster’s Third World Dictionary, 1994) “a thing resulting from adapting; a change in structure, function, or form that improves the chance of survival…within a given environment.” “any device or material that is used to accomplish a task in everyday life.” To adapt An adaptation Adaptive device
Deciding to Use an Adaptation Instruction in specific skills cannot quickly meet the student’s need because the students disability prohibits the completion of the task in the same manner as the other students
Considerations Is the adaptation portable for use across environments? Is the adaptation age-appropriate? Is the adaptation durable for frequent use or use over time? Does the adaptation appear to be the least intrusive during activities and the natural flow of events? Will funding of the adaptation be an issue? Is the adaptation accessible within the team and resource parameters of the education team?
Successful Adaptations Must be feasible for teachers to implement Must be lively, engaging, and fun Must be developed with the goal of working toward independence, with a gradual fading and eventual elimination of the adaptation Must have a definite purpose
Successful Adaptations Should be part of a comprehensive plan Should benefit the student and enhance, or at least not detract from the learning of other students Do not place undue attention on the student or put the student in a potentially embarrassing situation Are continually evaluated
4 Types of Adaptations Environmental Material Instructional Activity
Environmental Adaptations Behavioral arrangement Physical arrangement Sensory arrangement
Material Adaptations Alter COMPLEXITY of format Alter MOTOR requirements Alter SENSORY requirements Use of technology
Instructional Modifications Instructional Groupings Teaching Format Rate of Instruction Alternative Approaches
Instructional Modifications cont. Adjust language level Reduce amount of instruction given at one time Sequence activities in a logical manner Settings where skills can be functionally taught Advanced organizers
Activity Adaptations Use adapted or functional materials that parallel the regular activity Determine the functional outcome of the activity and allow for alternative student responses Engage student in selected parts of an activity
Activity Adaptations Reduce the number of required responses Within an activity, define different outcomes Allow additional time to complete an activity Increase amount of demonstrations and hands on experiences