Government Warm- up Recall and list some of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. Pg 49-50.


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Presentation transcript:

Government Warm- up Recall and list some of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. Pg 49-50

Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation Weak national government Congress had no power to levy tax Could only raise money by borrowing or requesting it from the states Congress had no power to regulate trade Disputes between states resulted Congress could not force anyone to obey the laws or abide by the Articles Laws needed the approval of 9/13 states Each state had one vote Amending the Articles required the consent of all states No executive branch No national court system

Achievements of the Articles Pg. 50 Creation of land ordinances Peace treaty with GB Dept. of foreign affairs, war, marine, and treasury State recognition of other state laws and equal treatment of each other