Changing Patterns of Fertility and life expectations Date: Date: Sunday, 07 September 2014 To evaluate why these changes are significant for individuals, family and society To describe changes in the patterns of fertility and life expectation Starter - How do these pictures link with this topic?
Homework - Research The coalition government has announced changes to parental leave meaning that Mums and Dads could share time off to care for a baby. Task 1)Carry out internet research and summarise the proposal (tip – try BBC News/Guardian websites) 2)Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of this news on individuals, families and society. 3)Evaluate whether you think it is a good or bad idea (drawing on evidence and sociological ideas)
Analysing impact Women are delaying childbirth until an older age. 1)Identify at least one advantage for: a)The individual woman b)The family c)Society 2) Identify at least one disadvantage for: a)The individual woman b)The family c)Society 3) Explain your personal opinion as to whether women should delay childbirth, taking into account the impact on individuals, the family and society. TIF – Explain an opposing viewpoint to your own
Why are we living longer? Welfare Developments in pubic health e.g. sewage system Improvements in medicine & healthcare Reduction in infant mortality
Lower fertility rates + Higher life expectancy = Aging population Facts It is estimated that by 2026, 19% of the population will be aged under 16, 61% will be aged and 20% will be aged 65 and over. What are the social consequences of an aging population?
Discuss how far sociologists would agree that an aging population is good for society (12 marks)
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Single parent family
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Just a minute Same sex family
Just a minute Reconstituted family
Just a minute Cereal packet family
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Just a minute Social control
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