Step-by-Step: Add a Graphical Hyperlink USE the Special Events Final presentation that is still open from the previous exercise. 1.Go to slide 4, and click the photo to select it. 2.Press Ctrl+K to open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box. (This is a keyboard shortcut for the Insert, Hyperlink command you used previously.) 3.Click Place in This Document. A list of slides from the current presentation appears. 4.Click 6. Contact Information. 5.Click OK. 6.SAVE the presentation. LEAVE the presentation open to use in the next exercise.
Step-by-Step: Add a Graphical Hyperlink If you need to change a link’s target, click anywhere in the link and then click the Hyperlink button, or right-click it and click Edit Hyperlink. The Edit Hyperlink dialog box opens, offering the same functionality as the Insert Hyperlink dialog box. You can remove a link by right-clicking the link and selecting Remove Hyperlink from the shortcut menu.
Step-by-Step: Add an Action to a Slide USE the Special Events Final presentation that is still open from the previous exercise. 1.Go to slide 5. 2.Click the Shapes button on the Insert tab to display a gallery of drawing shapes. 3.Click the Action Button: Information shape in the middle of the last row of shapes, as shown above.
Step-by-Step: Add an Action to a Slide 4.The pointer changes to a crosshair. Click near the bottom of the slide to draw the button there at its default size. As soon as you release the mouse button, the Action Settings dialog box opens. 5.Click Hyperlink to and then click the drop- down arrow of the text box below it. 6.Scroll to the bottom of the list of possible link targets and click Other File, as shown above. The Hyperlink to Other File dialog box opens.
Step-by-Step: Add an Action to a Slide 7.Navigate to the data files for this lesson, click the Service Fees file, and then click OK to apply your selection and return to the Action Settings dialog box. 8.Click OK again to close the Action Settings dialog box. 9.SAVE the presentation. LEAVE the presentation open to use in the next exercise. The Action Settings dialog box has two tabs that contain identical options. The default tab, Mouse Click, offers actions that will occur when you click the mouse pointer on the action item. The Mouse Over tab offers actions that will occur when you move the mouse pointer over the action item. Thus it is possible to attach two different actions to the same item.
Step-by-Step: Test Links in a Slide Show USE the Special Events Final presentation that is still open from the previous exercise. 1.SAVE the presentation and then press F5 to start the slide show from slide 1. 2.On slide 1, click the underlined Southridge Video text. The show jumps to slide 6. 3.Right-click, and on the menu that appears, choose Last Viewed to return to slide 1. 4.Click the mouse button three times to advance to slide 4, and then click the photo. The show jumps to slide 6. 5.Right-click, and on the menu that appears, choose Last Viewed to return to slide 4.
Step-by-Step: Test Links in a Slide Show 6.Click the mouse button to advance to slide 5, and then click the Information button. A spreadsheet opens in Excel. 7.Close Excel without making or saving any changes. 8.On the Windows taskbar, switch back to the running presentation show. 9.Click the mouse button to advance to slide Click the underlined hyperlink. 11.Close the Web browser and end the slide show. 12.Close the presentation, saving your changes to it. LEAVE PowerPoint open to use in the next exercise.
Step-by-Step: Test Links in a Slide Show When you activate links or actions during a slide show, the target of the link or action is displayed in the full screen, like the slides in the slide show. After working with the external content, you can return to the slide show by selecting it from the taskbar in Windows.
Step-by-Step: Create Sections USE the Blue Yonder Introduction presentation. 1.Locate and open the Blue Yonder Introduction presentation and save it as Blue Yonder Sections. 2.Go to slide 2. In the Slides tab of the Slides/Outline pane on the left of the PowerPoint screen, right-click slide 2 and click Add Section from the menu that appears (see right). A new section bar labeled Untitled Section appears in the Slides/Outline pane above slide 2, indicating that the new section begins with that slide.
Step-by-Step: Create Sections 3.Go to slide 5. In the Slides/Outline pane, right-click slide 5 and click Add Section. Another new section (also labeled Untitled) appears above slide 5 in the Slides/Outline pane. Repeat these actions to create another new section above slide 7. 4.Click the Untitled Section bar above slide 2. Slides 2, 3, and 4 become selected. 5.Right-click the Untitled Section bar you just clicked and choose Rename Section from the menu that appears. The Rename Section dialog box opens, as shown above.
Step-by-Step: Create Sections 6.Type Introduction in the Section Name box and click Rename. 7.Rename the other two sections Detail and Conclusion, using the same actions you used in steps Right-click the Detail section heading in the Slides/Outline pane and click Move Section Up to move that section to appear before the Introduction section. 9.Right-click the Detail section heading again and click Move Section Down. The Detail section moves back to its original location. 10.Right-click the Introduction section heading in the Slides/Outline pane and click Collapse All. All the sections collapse in the Slides/Outline pane.
Step-by-Step: Create Sections 11. Double-click the Conclusion section heading. That section is expanded so you can see the individual slides in it. See right. 12. Right-click the Conclusion section and click Remove Section. The section heading is removed, but the slides remain; they are added to the Detail section.
Step-by-Step: Create Sections 13. Click the Introduction section heading to select it, and then on the Design tab, click Background Styles. On the background styles palette that appears, right-click Style 1 (the white background) and click Apply to Selected Styles. Only the slides in the selected section change their background color. 14. SAVE the presentation and CLOSE it. LEAVE PowerPoint open to use in the next exercise.
Step-by-Step: Create Sections Sections offer an easy way of selecting groups of slides together, so you can move them, format them, or even delete them. To delete an entire section, right-click the section header and click Remove Section & Slides. In the preceding exercise, you removed a section but kept the slides. Sections also enable you to rearrange groups of slides easily, by moving a section up or down in order. Sections are invisible to the audience when you present a slide show. If you want to make it more obvious that you have organized the presentation into sections, you may wish to insert summary slides at the beginning or end of each section.
Step-by-Step: Apply a Theme to a Slide Master To apply a theme to a slide master, perform the following steps: 1.Locate and open the Rates presentation and save it as Rates Masters. 2.With slide 1 active, click the View tab. 3.Click the Slide Master button in the Presentation Views group. Slide Master view opens with the Title Slide Layout selected in the left pane, as above.
Step-by-Step: Apply a Theme to a Slide Master 4.Click the first slide in the left pane, the slide master for the current theme. (It’s the top slide in the left pane, the one that is slightly larger than the others.) 5.Click the Themes button in the Slide Master tab to produce the Themes gallery; click the Solstice theme in the gallery. The theme is applied to the slide master as well as all slide layouts in the left pane, as shown above.
Step-by-Step: Apply a Theme to a Slide Master 6.SAVE the presentation. LEAVE the presentation open in Slide Master view to use in the next exercise. The slide master, displayed at the top of the left pane, looks like a blank Title and Content slide. To change to the master, edit it as you would any slide using tools on any of the Ribbon’s tabs. Some changes you make to the slide master display on the masters for other slide layouts. You can also click any of these layouts to display it in the Slide pane so you can make changes to that layout. Any changes you make to these layouts will display on slides that use those layouts. Your changed masters display in the slide layout gallery to be available when you create new slides.
Step-by-Step: Move and Resize Placeholders USE the Rates Masters presentation that is still open from the previous exercise. 1.In Slide Master view, click to select the layout master for the Title Slide Layout in the left pane (hover your cursor over the slide to see a KeyTip indicating the layout master’s name). The Title Slide layout master appears in the right pane. 2.In the Title Slide layout master, click the outer border of the subtitle placeholder (click to edit Master subtitle style) to select that text box. 3.Drag the bottom selection handle upward to decrease the height of the subtitle placeholder to 1” (see above).
Step-by-Step: Move and Resize Placeholders 4.Position the mouse pointer over the border of the subtitle placeholder, but not over a selection handle, so that the mouse pointer becomes a four-headed arrow (see above). Click and drag the box to the bottom of the slide. 5.Using the same process as in step 4, move the title placeholder immediately above the subtitle, as shown at right. 6.SAVE the presentation. LEAVE the presentation open in Slide Master view to use in the next exercise.
Step-by-Step: Add a New Element to a Slide Master USE the Rates Masters presentation that is still open from the previous exercise. 1.Click the Slide Master at the top of the left pane. 2.On the Insert tab, click the Text Box button in the Text group. 3.In the bottom left corner of the slide master, click to place a new text box, and type Copyright 2012 Southridge Video. See right.
Step-by-Step: Add a New Element to a Slide Master 4.Select all the text in the copyright notice and change its color to Tan, Background 2, Darker 25%. 5.Click the Slide Master tab, and then click the Close Master View button to return to Normal view. 6.View each slide to confirm that the copyright text appears on each one. LEAVE the presentation open in Slide Master view to use in the next exercise.
Step-by-Step: Create a Custom Layout Master USE the Rates Masters presentation that is still open from the previous exercise. 1.On the View tab, click Slide Master to return to Slide Master view. 2.Click the Slide Master at the top of the left pane. 3.On the Slide Master tab, click Insert Layout. A new blank layout appears at the bottom of the left pane. It is blank except for a title placeholder and the copyright information, as shown above.
Step-by-Step: Create a Custom Layout Master 4.On the Slide Master tab, click the Insert Placeholder button’s drop-down arrow. A menu opens, as shown at right. 5.In the menu, click Text. The mouse pointer turns into a crosshair.
Step-by-Step: Create a Custom Layout Master 6.Draw a new text placeholder on the slide in the position shown at right. 7.Click the Insert Placeholder drop-down arrow again, and click Picture in the menu that appears. Draw a placeholder box to the right of the text placeholder, as shown on the next slide.
Step-by-Step: Create a Custom Layout Master 8.Right-click the new layout master in the left pane and click Rename Layout in the menu that appears. 9.In the Rename Layout dialog box, type Text and Picture and click Rename. 10. On the Slide Master tab, click Close Master View.
Step-by-Step: Create a Custom Layout Master 11. On the Home tab, click the New Slide button’s drop- down arrow. On the gallery of layouts that appears, click your new layout, Text and Picture, to create a new slide using it. See right. 12. SAVE the presentation. EXIT PowerPoint.
Step-by-Step: Create a Custom Layout Master You can use tools in the Master Layout group to customize placeholders for your new layout. You can decide whether to display a title or the footer placeholders, and you can use the Insert Placeholder button to select from a number of standard placeholders, such as Text, Picture, Clip Art, or Table. If you have inserted a text placeholder, you can format the placeholder text the way you want text to appear on the slides. If you don’t specify formatting, the text will be formatted as specified on the slide master. When you have completed the custom layout, use the Rename button on the Slide Master tab to give the custom layout a meaningful name. It will then be available in the slide layout gallery any time you want to add a slide in that presentation.
Lesson Summary