Hannah King and Makayla Black
Our goal is to better our clients way of security and help them keep a safe environment for their clients as well. Also another goal of ours is to promote security in banks around the state and country. This makes sure the population is safe from unwanted spectators.
For accessing the client’s accounts we suggest that the bank use fingerprinting through a computer mouse. This can be done at the bank’s office or at the client’s home. To back up this way is with electronic signatures. For over the phone conversations, we suggest using voice because this identifies the person and if the person owns the right account or not. Also for ATMs we suggest that the bank’s client select the choice of security to help the client. The choices are fingerprinting, eye scans, or voice recognition. We also suggest that the client sign up for transaction alerts to help keep the client informed when the ATM is used.
Fingerprinting through a mouse- this system will recognize a persons fingerprints through the regular size computer mouse. This type would be offered to clients who want to open their accounts online. The sensor would pick up the right fingerprint. In the bank, regular fingerprinting can be used through the computer. It is a card put into the computer’s card slot. When they press the side of the card a reader is shown with a sensor to match previous recorded fingerprints.
Electronic signatures- this system is a card system that already has the persons signature on it and it is inserted into the smart card reader. Then the user swipes a finger over the sensor for the card to be “unlocked”. Voice Recognition- this system uses a spectrogram to analyze data, with the vertical axis showing sound frequency and horizontal axis showing the time elapsed. This is a very good technique to use because it is hard to duplicate.
Eye scans- this system scans the retinas using reflecting infrared light where some of the light is absorbed and some of it isn’t. The part that isn’t absorbed is reflected back into the scanner. The blood vessels of the retina absorb more light, reflecting less light than the tissues around it. The system then measures the amount and intensity of the light reflected back in 320 places. It is then the amount is recorded into the data system to that person’s identity.
Electronic fingerprint scans are 95% to 98% accurate, but this accuracy depends on gender, racial characteristics, and chemical residue on fingers. Voice Recognition isn’t as accurate as some other techniques because of background noises, the client’s physical condition, and different equipment used for example a different phone. Eye scans are the most accurate in biometrics, but in some conditions they aren’t the best. For someone who is blind or partially bind this wouldn’t be a good system for them to use. Also the darker a person’s eye is the harder it is to detect where the client’s pupil ends and where the iris starts. Electronic Signatures can be mixed up with other peoples sometimes.
A bad man had stolen a woman’s purse at Wal-Mart and found her ATM card in her wallet. He decided it would be a good idea to check out how much money was on the card and steal the money from her. When he pulled up to the ATM system, he put in the information on the card, but he didn’t realize what would happen next. It asked for an eye scan ( the security system the woman had chosen) and he did the eye scan not thinking what would happen next. Then an alert went off in the ATM system and the women was notified that someone was trying to use her ATM card through her transaction alerts. The man was caught and put in jail. And the woman got her purse and her ATM card back. Thanks to Mak-n-Han Security!
Fake fingerprints can be made out of gelatin that is worn by identity thief people. Voice recognition can be beaten by a recording of the owner’s voice of a certain phrase. In some cases eye scans can be beaten by eye contacts and also drugs that dilate the pupils. In electronic signatures, this keeps hackers from breaking barriers to access the document. The digital signature format uses private and public keys.
For the ATM, everyone can choose their method of security so they can handle issues of privacy. For example they may not like eye scans so they may choose different methods. If someone tries to hack another person’s ATM, then the owner of the ATM can choose an alternate method of security to keep hackers away. All the privacy information is loaded into the bank’s system.
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