Functionalists Durkheim Crime is a way of venting youth frustration, and maintaining boundaries. Criticism- Society didn’t create crime it just happened Crime can be seen as positive because it maintains social solidarity and can influence changes within society. Criticisms- Doesn’t consider the victims of the crime. Crime only functional if caught. Issues with what is the right amount of crime.
Functionalists Merton American Dream – Meritocracy, achieve through hard work. Conformity, Ritualism, Innovation, Rebellion, Retreatism. Merton’s deviant adaption to strain theory, where culture encourages you to achieve legitimately or illegitimately. Criticisms- Assumes everybody wants the same gain, only account for monetary crime.
Functionalists Albert Cohen Identifies a delinquent subculture - Drugs, Violence, alcohol. Offers explanation of crimes such as violence and vandalism. Criminals reject mainstream values, and have frustration due to their status in society leading them to commit crimes. Criticisms – Ignores the fact that they do not share same goals originally. No explanation of middle class boys taking on working class values.
Functionalists Cloward & Ohlin Criminal – Organised crime society. Conflict – Gangs. Retreatist – Drug addicts. Matza – ‘Drift from one subculture to another’ Criticisms – South, Could be in all three subcultures at once. Miller, Not everyone has same goals in society. Identify 3 subcultures – Criminal, Conflict and Retreatist. In which some don’t have access to legitimate and illegitimate opportunities.