Me!! Christopher Fox
T h e b e g i n n i n g ? I'm from Denver,CO I currently live in Montbello I was born June
The early years I went to so many different ones I don’t remember I did go to ferrel b. howel middle schoolI played baseball till I was 13
High school Hang out with friends Learn a lot I did gym And im in IBBO
Hobbies 1.I love to play baseball 1.I love to play outside 2.And watch TV
Favorites I love chicken tenders I love baseball I watch Starz a lot BRONCOS!!!!
Family I'm mixed with. Spanish, black, white, Indian My mom is Indian and black I only live with my mom and my 13 yr. old brother We live in montbello My dads name is the same as mine except for his last name is vigil My dad lives in aurora co
Goals I want to pass all my classes I want to attend ITT tech Live life
Future ITT tech to study mobile tech And maybe far in the future, start a family
More!!! Ive always wanted to go sky diving And live in cali