My Devotion By : ALBERT / 6B
Bible Verse Kisah Para Rasul 16:25 They are being putted to the jail and at midnight, they are singing and praising the lord even they are already get injured. They sing out loud until the other prisoners listen to them.
Reflection of the Bible Verse So we couldn’t hate Jesus like what Paul and Silas did that even we got hurt, we must know that Jesus feel something more hurt than what we feel.
Bible Verse prayer Dear Lord, please bless me to be as good as Paulus even before he really hate Jesus but because of your holiness, he became so kind and died because of telling all things about Bible and Jesus, in the name of Jesus I pray, Amen
My Devotion I sincely play game even I haven’t finish my job so now I will finish my job and practice for exam because I never practice even my parents had ask me for many time so now I want to practice so that I will not be sad for my result because I had try my best.