Click to edit Master subtitle style 4/8/13 The impacts of climate change on !!!!arctic ice caps!!!! BY: madie asquith
Click to edit Master subtitle style 4/8/13 The science behind my issue In September of 2012 the arctic ice rate is at its all time low, two times lower that The co2 and methane has a lot to do with the temperature and the greenhouse gas balance.
4/8/13 Introduction ~My powerpoint will be showing/ telling you about how the greenhouse gas are effecting the Arctic's polar ice caps. It will also be discussing how this effects the animals, that will most likely go extinct.
4/8/13 What the issue is about ~the issue is all about the polar ice caps melting do to the green house gases
4/8/13 Who does this effect ~the polar ice caps melting has a big effect on the mammals that live in the arctic, because they are loosing their home entirely and many of the species will go extinct.
4/8/13 Why this is important ~with the ice melting it is going to make it hard for the earth to reflect the ultra red rays and then the waters will heat up more. ~another issue that makes this important is that there are minerals in the ice and when it melts people fight over it. ~last thing that makes this important is that many animals are going extinct
4/8/13 The sites I used rnal/v3/n3/full/nclimate1784.html rnal/v3/n3/full/nclimate1784.html This website showed me good facts about the greenhouse gases.
4/8/13 Is my issue on the news No my issue is not in the news because the arctic is so far from our location that the news doesn’t discuses the importance of the large and growing issue.
4/8/13 What people are doing about it People are trying to use less power and recycling, by turning down heaters and turning off lights when your not in the room.
4/8/13 Things you can do to help Somethings you can do to help is turn off lights when your not using them, unplug chargers when your not using them, and wash your laundry, in cold or warm water that will saves 600lbs of carbon dioxide a year.