Once you are logged in, click through the steps below. 1. Start 2. Programs3.Microsoft4. Word Menu Office2007
Saving Documents Once Word is open, your first step is to save your file. First click the Office Button or the File button on the top left of your screen.
Click Save As
Left click & drag the center bar until you see My Computer. Under Computer you will see your jump drive. It may not have your name, but it will be a letter after (E:). If you do not have a jump drive, save to My Documents. Hint: look for the last letter before mavisbeacon, probably (F:) Left click on your drive.
Click in the box for File Name, then type your first initial + last name – subject – title. Ex: File name: DGustafson – English – Name Story Click Save
Click the red X (close) on the top right of the screen.
Heres how to find your file again: 1.Double-click theMy Computer icon on the top right of your screen.
2. Double click your USB folder (F:) or the My Documents folder
3. Double click your file name (ex: DGustafson – English – Name Story)
Once you have a file name (which will be at the very top center of your screen), you can save by clicking the Office Button & Save or by holding Ctrl + s Q: How often should you save? A: Whenever youve done work you dont want to lose! (Or at least every 5 to 10 minutes) Any Questions?
Formatting Professional Documents 1.Font: Click the arrow to the right of the font box and select the font Times New Roman 1.Font: Click the arrow to the right of the font box and select the font Times New Roman You may need to scroll down. (Some professionals use Calibri or Arial. However, handwriting & other fonts are not considered professional) 2.Font size: click the arrow to the right of the number, and select 12 even for titles 2.Font size: click the arrow to the right of the number, and select 12 (Some professional documents will use size 10 or 11 font. Smaller is hard to read. Larger should not be used, even for titles.)
3. Margins: Margins should be 1 inch on all sides. This is the Word default – you do not have to change anything. 4. Color: The background should be white. The font should be black. These are the defaults. You do not have to change anything. Colorful fonts and backgrounds are reserved for personal writing or for presentations – not for professional documents or school assignments typed in Word.
Next, you will learn how to type a professional-looking MLA- format document. Any questions? But first… Any questions?
Setting up an MLA Document 1. MLA Header Type your MLA header, left-aligned, at the top of your page.
2. Spacing. The heading of essay papers are single spaced. After you type the heading select everything (either click and drag through both boxes, or hold Ctrl + a). Everything should be highlighted. Then click the Home tab.
3. Click the drop- down menu for Spacing, and select Click the drop- down menu for Spacing again, and select Remove Space After Paragraph
5. After the header, everything is double spaced, starting with the Title. Click anywhere in the last line of the header and click 2.0 in the spacing drop-down.
6. Title. Type Enter once to start a new line. Then click the Center icon to center align. Type your title. (Note: this is different from the assigned topic.) Hit Enter.
7. Paragraph. Remember to left align first. Hit Tab to indent your first line. Youre just about ready to start …
… But first, check to make sure you didnt forget anything: MLA header left aligned Centered Title Double spaced starting after the last header line 12 point Times New Roman or 11 point Calibri font Indent before your first paragraph. And youre off! Happy writing!