By: Hadrien Ovize Drive-In Theaters
The History The idea didn’t have a good success until after World War II. In the 1950s there were more people that went in drive-in theaters than indoor theaters. Drive-ins were the perfect places for dates for the teenagers. Now drive-in theaters have lost there glory and are just big fields left with nothing in them.
A drive-in theater in the 60s You can see that a lot of people are there to watch the movie but also to meet with other people.
Drive-in theaters now You can see that the theater got abandoned and that now it is only a big field with nothing around it.
Fun Facts There can be from 50 to 300 cars in a drive-in theaters. People would sneak in by hiding in the trunk of the cars so that they wouldn’t have to pay there way in.
These are examples of commercials for the movie showings at drive-in theaters
Sources In_Theater_Memories.html In_Theater_Memories.html