Consensogram As you refill your coffee… grab a small stack of sticky squares… After reading the Consensogram prompt, place one sticky on each chart somewhere between “0” and “100” (not so much) (lots) We are making bar graphs
Good Morning PLC
Objectives Explore shared understanding of good instruction
To what extent do you believe… all kids can learn? all kids are learning at their highest possible level? all educators can learn? all educators are learning at their highest possible level? educators will need the support of colleagues in order to meet the needs of future educational changes?
Hypothesize, how would students answer these questions?
What elements of good instruction are incorporated in the Consensogram strategy? classroom
How could you use this in your work?
Meta-Analysis Identify those instructional strategies that have a high probability of enhancing student achievement for all students in all subject areas at all grade levels. McREL’s Findings on classroom instructional strategies – 9 categories of classroom instructional strategies that correlate to student achievement.
CategoryPercentile Gain Identifying similarities and differences45 Summarizing and note taking34 Reinforcing effort and providing recognition29 Homework and practice28 Nonlinguistic representations27 Cooperative learning27 Setting objectives and providing feedback23 Generating and testing hypotheses23 Questions, cues, and advance organizers22 Instructional Strategies That Affect Student Achievement
Researcher’s Note The inference that should be drawn…is that no instructional strategy works equally well in all situations. We strongly recommend that you keep this in mind as you review the strategies presented in this book and apply them in classrooms. Instructional strategies are tools only. Although the strategies presented in this book are certainly good tools, they should not be expected to work equally well in all situations. -Marzano, R., Pickering, D., & Pollock, J. Classroom Instruction That Works, ASCD (2001)
Identifying Similarities & Differences Comparing Classifying Re-classifying creating metaphors and analogies Examples and non-examples (Frayer) Venn diagrams and other graphic organizers
Summarizing and Note Taking Students analyze information to determine important points (Reciprocal Teaching) Become aware of how information is structured and organized Teacher guided examples - summary frames or graphic organizers will help visual learners Underlining, highlighting, outlining
Reinforcing Effort & Providing Recognition Some students don’t have internal motivation for expending effort and need to learn the value of effort Contrary to popular belief, external rewards, if carefully chosen, do not necessarily have a negative impact on internal motivation. Rewards are most impactful when they are dependent upon reaching a given level or standard. For many students, symbolic recognition means more than a tangible reward. As students grow and mature, motivation becomes more and more intrinsic.
Homework and Practice 10 minutes per grade level. Minimize parent involvement – the student should know how to do the work! Be careful about assigning projects where supplies are needed. You may need to provide materials – remember, many kids don’t have the needed materials! Students should know the purpose of the homework Have a specific homework policy – how to head papers, due dates/times, place/procedure for submitting work, etc. ALWAYS PROVIDE FEEDBACK!!!
Non-Linguistic Representations Non-linguistic representations should be incorporated into a varied classroom activities and content areas These include: Graphic representations Physical models Pictures Kinesthetic activities Involve more learning styles, and therefore involve more learners
Cooperative Learning Group students carefully – heterogeneous are most beneficial. Keep groups to around 3-4 students in size. Not meant for every activity. Some independent practice is vital. Insure that tasks assigned to groups are well thought out and enable all students to be successful if effort is expended.
Setting Objectives & Providing Feedback Help to narrow student focus, and enables kids to put more thought into the specified area On the other hand, the focus needs to be sufficiently broad to allow for student individuality Personalize goals by considering individual student needs and interests Feedback should be corrective Students cannot direct their efforts without correction
Generating & Testing Hypotheses Uses both inductive and deductive reasoning skills What do you think will happen? Why do you think that happened? Insure that students clearly explain both hypotheses and conclusions Identify problem solving situations and use inquiry methods of learning
Cues, Questions & Advance Organizers Enable students to think at higher thought levels, which results in deeper learning Should focus on what is important versus what is unusual Help students organize information and their own thinking
Venn Diagrams Content FramesGallery Walk illustration Pictorial Map puzzling Daily targetsWhat if Q’s consensogram
9 minutes 8:40
Marzano 3 x 3 Find a colleague who is not sitting at your table Pick one of the strategies and share what you had put in the top (1.) box Fill in what they shared in your 2. box Repeat with 9 different people until your sheet is full 8:50
15 minutes Venn Diagrams Metaphors
What elements of good instruction are contained in the 3x3 strategy? 9:05
How could you use it in your work?
Which of the Essential 9 have we experience? 1.Identifying similarities and differences 2.Summarizing and note taking 3.Reinforcing effort and providing recognition 4.Homework and practice 5.Nonlinguistic representations 6.Cooperative learning 7.Setting objectives and providing feedback 8.Generating and testing hypotheses 9.Cues, questions, and advance organizers
When next we meet Final session