Participants will value the importance of interpersonal communication skills as a leader. Learn the difference between dialogue and discussion Introduction to Seven Norms for Collaboration Learn & apply interpersonal communication skills (speaking & listening) in learning-focused relationships
Different Ways of Talking Seven Norm/Skills for Collaboration
Pausing Paraphrasing Probing Putting ideas on the table Paying attention to self & others Presuming positive presuppositions Putting Inquiry at the Center
A: Read 1 st norm (pausing) B: Say Something C: Raise a good question *repeat for 2nd, and 3 rd norms B: Read 4th norm (probing) C: Say Something A: Raise a good question *repeat for 5 th norm C: Read 6 th norm (paying attention to self and others) A: Say Something B: Raise a good question *repeat for 7 th norm
Norms (Skills) Inventory—rating perceptions of self Choose a focus skill Engage as both participant and observer
Thank you! Lauren Childs, Ph.D. School Quality, Oakland Schools Have a good afternoon!