Student Engagement: What does it mean and how do we increase it?
Engagement, Learning & Technology Is it possible to connect these three?
Goals for our morning… Learn from our colleagues Explore the work of engagement by Marzano & Pickering Experience additional ways to incorporate technology in learning (adult & student) Dialogue what to take back to your PLC
How Do I Feel?
Deep Listening Experience Creating Positive Community through Dialogue
3 minutes – to tell the story of your life switch
1 minute to share Why do you do this work? Why do you get up each morning and do your job? Long-haired partner begins Switch
30 seconds to tell your partner what you appreciate about them Short-haired partner begins Switch
How do I feel? Voices in the room Positive feeling tone Appreciation
The Highly Engaged Classroom by Marzano & Pickering
Am I interested?
Translation Lingo Translator
Share with a table colleague, a favorite video, site, or other web-based thingy
How many times a day do you use your cell phone? calls, gps, text-messaging
How many times a day do you use your cell phone instructionally with kids?
What are your biggest concerns in using cell phone in your class?
Do I have their attention? Are they engaged? “If the answer to the first question is no, the teacher looks for ways to raise the emotional tone of the classroom and pique students’ interests.” “If the answer to the second question is no, the teacher looks for ways to help students recognize the importance of the content and raise their senses of efficacy regarding the content.”
Individual focused read Expert Groups Content Frames Home Groups Puzzling
1.How do I feel? 2.Am I interested? 3.Is this important? 4.Can I do this? Individual Read
Expert Groups w/ Content Frame
Home Groups
Teaching Generation TEXT Toys to Tools
Cautions: rules, procedures, consequences
Connecting to your expectations:
Respect yourself and others What we will see…. Video What we will NOT see… wtf-
Today’s Sites
Resources Teaching Generation Text: Using Cell Phones to Enhance Learning by Nielsen & Webb Toys to Tools: Connecting Student Cell Phones to Education by Kolb The Highly Engaged Classroom by Marzano & Pickering
Goals for our morning… Learn from our colleagues Explore the work of engagement by Marzano & Pickering Experience additional ways to incorporate technology in learning (adult & student) Dialogue what to take back to your PLC
Kristine Gullen, Ph.D. Thank you!