Functional Breakout of $2,805,350 decrease in expenditures from 6/30/11 to date
The two charts above represent the percentage of total spending (left) and the percentage of cuts made to spending by functional category (right). If cuts were made proportionally, one would expect the percentages for functional areas to be the same in both graphs. The fact that total spending on administration is 11.30% but that 16.61% of the cuts came from administration indicates that cuts to administration are proportionally higher. The converse is true.
Eliminated $2,805,350 in expense since 6/30/2011 Instructional costs have decreased by ($1,544,707) since 6/30/2011 primarily as a result of a decrease of 13 teaching staff (6 retire, 8 layoffs, 1 resignation and 2 new hires) due to decreased enrollment of approximately 257 students over that same time period. Alternative Ed/ Adult Educational costs decreased by ($319,628) due to the elimination of the program Administration has decreased by ($538, 231) primarily as a result of the elimination of 2.5 FTE and the outsourcing of 13 staff that results in savings on benefit costs of 32.5% (44% benefit cost-11.5% Edustaff fee) of their salary. School administration expenses have decreased by ($81,555) due to the elimination of 1 FTE and the outsourcing of 2 staff that results in savings on benefit costs of 32.5% (44% benefit cost-11.5% Edustaff fee) of salary. Building & Grounds expense has decreased by ($230,286) due to the decrease of 3 full time staff and the replacement of full time staff who left or retired with two part-time staff to reduce benefit costs.
Eliminated all benefits paid to transportation personnel (all are ½ time and do not receive benefits). Reduced Food Service personnel by 3 FTE Overall reduction of AFSME personnel of approximately 15 positions from to present