Orange Countys 2008 Legislative Wrap-up Presentation to the Orange County Board of County Commissioners May 20, 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Orange Countys 2008 Legislative Wrap-up Presentation to the Orange County Board of County Commissioners May 20, 2008

Orange County Legislative Team: George Rodon – Chief of Staff to Mayor Crotty Linda Weinberg – Deputy County Administrator Sharon Donoghue – Deputy County Administrator Chris Testerman – Director of Government Relations Eric Gassman – Assistant County Administrator Mark Jeffries – Public Affairs Director Erin Waldron – Public Affairs Assistant/Delegation Aide 26 Department Legislative Liaisons 2008 Legislative Session

Orange County Lobbying Team: Mark Jeffries Johnson & Blanton Government Consultants Capitol Hill Group

2008 Legislative Session Presentation Outline: Overview State Budget Situation Funding Priorities Legislative Priorities Other Issues

2008 Legislative Session Presentation Outline: Overview State Budget Situation Funding Priorities Legislative Priorities Other Issues

2008 Legislative Session Overview Bill Statistics 2503 Bills Filed/313 Passed 80 Presented to Governor 31 Bills Signed by Governor 3 Bill Became Law Without Signature 0 Bills Vetoed 46 Bills Pending in Governors office 233 Bills not yet delivered to Governor

2008 Legislative Session Presentation Outline: Overview State Budget Situation Funding Priorities Legislative Priorities Other Issues

2008 Legislative Session State Budget Situation 2007/08 Budget - $72 billion 2008/09 Budget - $66 billion Total Budget Reduction - $6 billion Budget not yet presented to Governor

2008 Legislative Session Presentation Outline: Overview State Budget Situation Funding Priorities Legislative Priorities Other Issues

2008 Legislative Session Funding Priorities Funding Requests: Central Receiving Center - $3 million requested, $500,000 appropriated PCAN Extended Hours - $1 million for pilot project appropriation rolled over to next year OCCC Solar energy collectors - $2.5 million grant Bio-diesel blending station - $2.5 million grant

2008 Legislative Session Presentation Outline: Overview State Budget Situation Funding Priorities Legislative Priorities Other Issues

2008 Legislative Session Legislative Priorities: Central Florida Commuter Rail - HB 1399 & SB 1978 Keep Funding in FDOT Work Plan Retained Succeeded Liability indemnification/sovereign immunity Failed FDOT/CSX contract in effect until June 2009

2008 Legislative Session Legislative Priorities: Establish Florida Transportation Revenue Study Commission Study infrastructure needs & recommend funding sources Failed Charter County Transit Surtax Parity - SB 1626 & HB 747 Allow all charter counties to place dedicated transit funding tax on ballot Passed Senate Failed in House

2008 Legislative Session Legislative Priorities: Red Light Cameras - HB 351 & SB 816 Support change in statute to allow use of automated traffic enforcement technology to combat red light running Support reasonable funding from fines for equipment costs Failed

2008 Legislative Session Legislative Priorities: Elections – SB 866 & HB 1201 Lengthen period between election days and fund raising cut-off Failed Allow local governments to require electronic filing of candidate financial reports Passed

2008 Legislative Session Legislative Priorities: Energy Bill – HB 7135 Florida Conservation and Sustainable Buildings Act – All new state and local government buildings will be required to meet LEED certification, Florida Green Building Coalition standards, or a national equivalent Florida Building Code – increase energy efficiency in 2007 code by 20% by 2010, 30% by 2013, 40% by 2016, 50% by 2019 Efficiency for Condominiums & HOAs – May not prohibit the installation of energy efficient devices such as solar panels or clotheslines

2008 Legislative Session Legislative Priorities: Energy Bill – HB 7135 (cont.) Compost – by July 1, 2010, counties shall remove up to 10% but not less than 5% of organic material from their waste streams Plastic bag regulations – FDEP will establish a statewide rule for use and disposal of plastic bags by February 1, 2009 Ethanol blending – up to 10% ethanol blend may be added to gasoline and sold by service stations

2008 Legislative Session Legislative Priorities: Energy Bill – HB 7135 (cont.) Florida Climate Protection Act – establishes the only carbon cap & trade market in the Southeast; by January 1, 2010, FDEP will submit implementation rules to the Legislature for ratification Vehicle emission standards – FDEP will adopt an emissions rule, if California standards are recommended, the rule must be approved by the Legislature

2008 Legislative Session Legislative Priorities: Energy Bill – HB 7135 (cont.) Interconnection/Net-metering – utilities will establish standard agreements to purchase citizen-generated energy Renewable Portfolio Standard – Public Service Commission will create rule for utilities Recycling – By 2020, FDEP guidelines will require state and local governments, private companies and organizations, and general public will reduce recyclable solid waste disposal in landfills by 75% Standards must be approved by the Legislature

2008 Legislative Session Legislative Priorities: Affordable Housing Reauthorize Sadowski Program Trust Fund Cap remains $243 million Passed

2008 Legislative Session Presentation Outline: Overview State Budget Situation Funding Priorities Legislative Priorities Other Issues

2008 Legislative Session Other Issues: Florida Taxation and Budget Reform Commission Meets every 20 years 25 members, 4 Ex Oficio members Allan Bense – Chair 7 statewide hearings Many Committee & Commission meetings 2/3 vote to place on November 2008 ballot Majority vote to make statutory suggestions

2008 Legislative Session Florida Taxation and Budget Reform Commission (cont.) Constitutional Amendments on November 4 CP 2 - Tax swap for Required Local Effort CP 4 - Wind resistance CP 6,8,34 - Working Waterfronts CP 15,16 - Conservation lands CP 20 - Religious discrimination CP 26, % funding spent in classroom CP 35 - Community College tax referendum

2008 Legislative Session Florida Taxation and Budget Reform Commission (cont.) Statutory Recommendations SR 5 - Renewal Energy/Wind Resistance exemptions SR 11 - Word limits for constitutional amendments SR 13 - Presumption of correctness for appraisers SR 17 - Streamline Sales Tax and Use Agreement SR 19 - Faith/Character-based correctional programs SR 29 - Joint Legislative Sales and Use Tax Exemption Review Committee SR 36 - Fuel/Transportation Taxes SR 49 - County Officers/Taxing Authorities budgets

2008 Legislative Session Other Issues: Street Racing - SB 1992 Prohibits being a spectator at illegal street races Non-criminal traffic infraction, punishable as a moving violation Passed Direct Payment of Emergency Services - SB 1012 & HB 405 Authorizes requiring insurers to pay EMS directly instead of the insured Passed

2008 Legislative Session Other Issues: Public Works Construction - HB 683, 1399 & SB 2148 Required bidding out all local government repair and maintenance projects over $200,000 Required bidding out all road construction, reconstruction and repairs utilizing constitutional and local fuel taxes Failed

2008 Legislative Session Other Issues: Property Tax/Value Adjustment Boards – HB 909 Prohibits VAB counsel from representing taxing authority Decreases tax payer burden of proof Adds two citizen members to VAB in place of one governing board and school board member Requires uniform policies and manual No minimum acreage for agriculture designation Passed

2008 Legislative Session Other Issues: Direct Payment of Emergency Services - SB 1012 & HB 405 Authorizes requiring insurers to pay EMS directly instead of the insured Passed Guns at Work - HB 503 & SB 1130 Employers and businesses can not prohibit holders of concealed weapons permits to possess firearms in locked cars Passed

2008 Legislative Session Other Issues: Transparency in local government finances – SB 392 Required posting of all contracts above $5000 on local government website Failed Online Hotel Room Sales/Tourist Development Tax - SB 2788 & HB 7147 Exempted portion of hotel room price from TDT when sold via internet Failed

2008 Legislative Session Other Issues: Inmates Medicaid Eligibility - SB 1456 Requires DCF to suspend inmates eligibility upon incarceration instead of terminate Passed Florida Forever 10-year extension Passed Everglades $50 million appropriated for continued clean- up Passed

2008 Legislative Session Other Issues: (cont.) Charter County Preemption Preempts County authority to address regional issues via countywide ordinances and referendums within municipal boundaries No legislation pursued UCF $ 20 million appropriated for Partnership 3 $ 9.1 million appropriated for Force Protection Passed in Budget

2008 Legislative Session Other Issues: (cont.) Water Quality Credit Trading/TMDL - HB 547 FDEP will initiate rulemaking to create a water quality credit trading program By Sept. 1, 2008 US EPA will determine if program meets federal regulations FDEP will not set credit prices Pilot program will be set up in Lower St. Johns River Basin, reporting to Governor, President, and Speaker within 24 months Passed

2008 Legislative Session Other Issues: Growth Management – HB 7129 & SB 474 Comprehensive Plan change procedure School concurrency changes Failed Vox Populi - HB 991 & 2276 Dictated local government meeting and public participation structure Failed

Orange Countys 2008 Legislative Wrap-up Presentation to the Orange County Board of County Commissioners May 20, 2008

2008 Legislative Session

Streamlined Sales Tax Agreement Toll Indexing - 682

2008 Legislative Session State Budget Situation Budget Cuts Pre-K 2007/28 Budget - $ 72 billion 2008/09 Budget - $66 billion Total Budget Reduction - $6 billion Budget Cuts $332 million – K-12 Education Orange County E

2008 Legislative Session Funding Priorities - Defense: Medicaid Transportation Disadvantaged Transportation Regional Incentive Program County Incentive Grant Program Juvenile Justice ? Unfunded Mandates