F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH A STUDY IN HEBREWS L I S T E N U P ! 1:1-8, 14; 2:1-4
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH What are synonyms for the word maturity?
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH State – To flesh-out ones faith is to build up, strengthen and mature in their faith.
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH The overall theme of Hebrews is the absolute supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ as revealer and as mediator of Gods grace.
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH Author – There are varying views. Paul – Paul does not identify himself as the author which he does in his other books. The writing style is markedly different than Pauls style.
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH Barnabus – He was a Jew of the priestly tribe of Levi (Acts 4:36) who was a close friend of Pauls. He traveled with Paul on his first missionary journey. Tertullians DePudicition, 20 (c.200) quotes froman epistle to the Hebrews under the name of Barnabus.
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH Apollos – His name was first mentioned by Martin Luther. He was Alexandrian by birth, was also a Jewish Christian. Luke tells us that he was a learned man, with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures (Acts 18:24). He was also associated with Paul in the early years of the church. (1 Cor. 1:12, 3:4-6, 22).
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH Date – Must have been written before the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in A.D. 70 because the author does not mention the temples destruction. He also consistently uses the Greek present tense when speaking of the temple. (See 5:1-3; 7:23, 27; 8:3-5; 9:6-9).
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH Recipients – Jewish converts who were familiar with the Old Testament and who were being tempted to revert to Judaism or to Judaize the Gospel.
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH Theme – The absolute supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ as revealer and as mediator of Gods grace.
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH Outline Prologue, 1:1-4 God has spoken in His Son Part IPart IIPart III 1:5-4:165:1-10:3911:1-12:29 Gods King-Son grants honor to loyal partners Gods Priest-Son insures access into true heaven, the throne of grace Faiths response continues to see the invisible Epilogue, 13:1-25 Live in expectant Gratitude
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH What is the number one threat to the success of Christian evangelism in America?
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH In a recent Newsweek/beliefnet.com poll the question was asked, Can a good person who isnt of your religious faith go to heaven or attain salvation. 79% said yes.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 1.Outline the background information of the book of Hebrews. a. Author- 1. Paul – does not identify himself as author. Different writing style. 2. Barnabus – Jew of the priestly tribe of Levi. Traveled with Paul. 3. Apollos – Learned man of the Scriptures. Associated with Paul. b. Date – Before 70 A.D. because the destruction of the temple is not referenced. c. Recipients - Jewish Converts. d. Theme – The absolute supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ as revealer and mediator of Gods grace.
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 2.How did God communicate to His people in the Old Testament days? (Heb. 1:1) He spoke through the prophets
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 3.How has God communicated to Christians since the day of the prophets? (v. 2) He speaks through His Son, Jesus
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 4.How has Christ communicated with you? (List ways)
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 5.How does the author establish the supremacy of Christ in (vs. 3-4, 14) Jesus is… a. The radiance of His glory. b. The exact representation of His nature. c. He upholds all things by the Word of His power. d. He sits at the right hand of the Father. e. He is superior to the angels.
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 6. How do these verses bring you hope to pacify any doubt of the supremacy of Christ?
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 7.What warning is given in (Heb. 2:1)? To pay attention to the truth
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 8. How good are you at focusing on the truth of Christs message regardless of lifes circumstances?
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 9. What is the result of not listening or paying attention? Drifting away from the truth
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 10. We are warned not to neglect so great a salvation (2:3). What is the result of such neglect? Judgment for sin in our lives
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 11. Does (vs. 3) seem to mean that one can lose their salvation if they neglect it? Absolutely not! The writer of Hebrews is addressing Christians and was warning against losing the glory and reward of having served the Lord faithfully no matter what the temptation to drift away from ones initial commitment.
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 12. At what level is your current commitment? Drifting away Neglecting Half-hearted Fully-engaged
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 13. What do you need to do to get back on track this week?
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH Step 1D o not neglect the reading of Gods Word Step 2Read Gods Word with purpose Step 3Interact with other Christians Step 4Fervently pray when/how? Step 5Tell others about Christ Avoiding The D R I F T
Mel Gibson