MI Bridges Basics Last updated: 06/13/2012
How to Take this Training On the bottom status bar, click the Slide Show icon. If you cannot see the bottom status bar, click Slide Show on the top menu, and then click From Current Slide or From Beginning. If you cannot see the PowerPoint interface, you may be viewing the presentation in Slide Show mode already. In order to access the hyperlinks in this PowerPoint, you will need to view it in Slide Show mode. If it opens from within PowerPoint (in Edit mode), please follow these steps to play the slide show: Note: the survey link at the end off this course is a hyperlink. You must view this presentation in slide show mode to click the hyperlink and take the survey in order to receive credit for taking this course. MI Bridges Basics
MI Bridges Basics Objectives: Create a new account in MI Bridges. Apply for a program in MI Bridges. Navigate the MI Bridges website. Check benefit status in MI Bridges. Report, view and check the status of changes. Locate where local office contact information is found. Prepare a document for upload into a MI Bridges account. After viewing this training module you will be able to: MI Bridges Basics
MI Bridges is located at the internet address below: On MI Bridges, clients can: Create an account and apply for benefits. Check the status of ongoing benefits and new applications. Report, view and check the status of changes. Upload documents. View correspondence that has been sent to them as well as sign up for notifications of new correspondence. This training walks you through MI Bridges from a client perspective. MI Bridges Basics
Clients may click here to access the Michigan Assistance and Referral Service (MARS) to see if they would be eligible for benefits before filling out the online application. ↓ Clients may click here to create an account and apply for benefits as a first time user, or to add a program or reapply as a returning user. ↓ Clients may click here to create an account, view their benefits, report changes to their worker, upload documents and check the status of an application. ↓
MI Bridges Basics If the client needs information on how to navigate MI Bridges and practice answering the types of questions that will be asked during the application process they can click here.
MI Bridges Basics
User Name and Password Creation Tips When Assisting Applicants: 1.User name and password should be created by the applicant, not the volunteer. When possible, have applicant write down user name and password exactly for their reference. 2.User name must include only letters and/or numbers – no special characters. 3.Password is case sensitive 4.Password can not include the first or last name of applicant 5.Cannot have User Name of another applicant 6.Pick two secret questions to suggest to applicant to save time. Write down answers immediately
MI Bridges Basics
To print or not to print?
MI Bridges Basics
Wrapping up, here are a few important items to note:
We hope you’ve enjoyed this method of receiving information on MI Bridges and look forward to sharing more in the future. Additional detailed information may be found on the DHSNet OTSD website under the MI Bridges Training section. To record that you have viewed this presentation and to evaluate the content, please click the button below. Thank You! Note: the box above is a hyperlink. You must view this presentation in slide show mode to click the hyperlink and take the survey in order to receive credit for taking this course. Click here to complete the evaluation