World War I had left Europe in Shambles Another War was inevitable Many governments were very unstable ◦ Allowed for dictators to gain support and overtake government German- Hitler Italy- Mussolini USSR- Lenin/Stalin
America decided early on that they would be neutral ◦ Isolationism ◦ Fix our own country before we help others FDR did not agree with this ◦ Internationalism ◦ Did what the people wanted Passed many Neutrality Acts
Civil War in Spain ◦ After elections of Republicans, Socialists, and Fascists, rebellions broke out Each group tried to rule ◦ USSR helped Communists, Germany and Italy helped Fascists, American did nothing Italy and Germany pledged to support each other on other European affairs Japan quickly followed and formed the Axis Powers
Germany tries to unite all German Speaking people ◦ Started with Austria ◦ Demanded Nazis be put into Government positions ◦ Austrian Chancellor gave in, but wanted a vote ◦ Hitler invaded and forced unification, Anschluss Hitler then focused on Sudetenland, part of Chechoslovakia
Many people accepted Austrian Anchluss ◦ Mostly German heritage ◦ Chechoslovakia was not ◦ Heavily opposed unification Leaders from Britain, France, Italy, and Germany met to decide what to do ◦ Decided on appeasement ◦ Gave in to Hitler, hoping he would stop
Hitler then focused on Poland Demanded back Danzig and some Polish Ports ◦ These demands convinced other countries that Hitler would not stop ◦ Pledged their support of Poland Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact ◦ USSR would stay out of war ◦ Would receive parts of Poland
Create a comic strip that shows how WWII started Use pictures and words to describe the different events Information is in chap 19 sec 2 Comic strip must be at least 6 slides and be colored