CASSETE TYPE Competency : Repairing of Compact Cassete Recorder
OBJECTIVE Teknologi dan Rekayasa Knowing some of Cassete recorder
The History of Cassette Teknologi dan Rekayasa Secondary audio cassette was introduced Philip to store audio in the year 1963, and in America under the trademark 1964 Compact Cassete
Property records in general Teknologi dan Rekayasa Media typeTape magnetik Encoding Analog signal Capasitas Long tape on general way 7.5 menit per sisi (C15) 15 menit per sisi (C30) 22.5 menit per sisi (C45) 30 menit per sisi (C60) 37.5 menit per sisi (C75) 45 menit per sisi (C90) 52.5 menit per sisi (C105) 60 menit per sisi (C120) Read MekanismeTape Head Write MekanismeHead recorder magnetik Used Audio recorder and data
Write protection Teknologi dan Rekayasa Hole protector on the cassette is installed there is no
The length and duration of the playback tape Teknologi dan Rekayasa The length of the tape is also available in several series, including the C10 and C15 (useful for storing and securing data on home computers), C30, C50, C54, C64, C70, C74, C80, C84, C100, C105, and C110
Cassette inside Teknologi dan Rekayasa In the tape reels are Supply and takeup reel which can be seen with the lid or dismantling of the outer side if the wrapper transparent
On Line Magnetic Tape Teknologi dan Rekayasa At the time the tape is playing, will drill a half of tape recordings the other with two electromagnetic
THE END Teknologi dan Rekayasa By. Setyo Harmadi,ST SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta