David Johnson Diagnostics Team Leader US ITER Diagnostics David Johnson Diagnostics Team Leader Good Morning, my name is David Johnson and my presentation covers plans for US ITER diagnostics. November 15, 2006 US ITER Project Vendor Fair Oak Ridge, TN
Outline US Scope Port Plugs Instruments Schedule In a little over a decade, when we have succeeded in building and testing this device, diagnostics will be our window into what we have created. Our views will come through the components like those shown in blue and green in this picture. Compared to our previous experience, these front-end components are in a unique environment. First they are deeply embedded in a massive shield plug, shown here in red. This plug will weigh ~ 50T, and removal for maintenance will be difficult, raising the standard for reliability of the front-ends.. Components near the plasma will be subject to much more intense radiation, more erosion from neutral particle bombardment, more deposition from ablated wall material and more nuclear heating than we have ever had to deal with before. Experts in the US are excited about meeting these challenges and bringing the US forward in this important burning plasma technology. I plan to briefly tell you about the US scope in diagnostics, our cost estimates and the schedule drivers. I will then tell you about our procurement plan and our near-term plans for minimizing cost and risk and then I’ll summarize with key issues.
US Diagnostic Packages This is the way we have organized the US diagnostics scope. First it includes these seven instruments. There are two visible systems, the cameras and the motional Stark effect system; the electron cyclotron and reflectometer systems are microwave systems, and the two interferometers are likely to be IR or FIR systems. The front-end components from these six systems reside in plugs - often plugs provided by other parties. The residual gas analyzers are not embedded in plugs. As mentioned earlier, in addition to the instruments, the US will provide 5 port plugs. All of this hardware is at a conceptual level of design. Design maturity is conceptual.
Scope - US Port Plugs Upper Plugs (U5, U17) Equatorial Plugs (E3, E9) (4.5m long, ~25T in-vessel) Equatorial Plugs (E3, E9) (2.2m high, ~50T in-vessel) Divertor Side Panels and Back Boxes (L8) Plugs provide Vacuum seal, radiation shielding Cooling water and support for blanket shield modules Support and access for diagnostics Plugs consist of Generic structural components common to all of that type Custom diagnostic shield modules Part of the US scope is to provide 5 port plugs. The plugs serve several purposes. They seal the vessel; they shield the magnets and the rest of the facility from radiation, they provide support and cooling water to the blanket shield modules which face the plasma, and finally, they provide access for the diagnostics.. They are large structures. For just the in-vessel parts, the size scales and weights are shown here. The upper and equatorial plugs consist of a generic box-like structure cantilevered off the vacuum flanges. Diagnostics are housed in custom, removable shield modules shown here and here.
Upper Visible/IR Cameras (6 in upper ports) Within Cryostat Outside Cryostat Endoscope heads (aspheric) Metal mirrors Shutters and actuators Refractive optics Visible and IR optics High resolution visible and IR cameras Fast visible and IR cameras Image capture and analysis software
Main Plasma Reflectometer (LFS) Differential movements taken up in waveguide joints Within Cryostat Outside Cryostat Horn antenna/tapers Vacuum-compatible corrugated waveguide Compliant WG mitre-bends, sleeves Microwave test equipment Standard aluminum corrugated waveguide wave sources (~100 mW, 30 GHz BW, 15-230 GHz) Tracking LOs, mixer/detectors IF amplifiers and components, video amplifiers Digital controllers, digitizers, D/As, computers
Electron Cyclotron Emission Diagnostic Within Cryostat Outside Cryostat Ellipsoidal metal mirrors Vacuum-compatible corrugated waveguide Compliant WG miter-bends, sleeves In-situ hot calibration sources, shutters Standard aluminum corrugated waveguide Mitre-bends, polarization splitters Multichannel (40-50) radiometers (120-350 GHz) Michelson interferometers (70-1000 GHz)
Motional Stark Effect Polarimeter Within Cryostat Outside Cryostat Metal aspheric mirrors Shutters and actuators In-situ calibration sources In-situ mirror cleaning system Fiber optic bundles (in heating jacket) Photoelastic modulators High-resolution spectrometers Narrow-band spectral filters APD detectors, preamps, digitizers Plan view of edge MSE sightlines Port E3 Heating Beam
Toroidal Interferometer/Polarimeter Within Cryostat Outside Cryostat Metal mirror-based beam delivery optics Shutter and actuator Metal retroreflectors Real-time beam alignment system Two-color lasers in IR/FIR (CO2@12.1/9.0m, CH3OD@57.2/47.6m) IR/FIR detectors, polarization modulators IR/FIR optics (beam splitters, wave plates, etc)
Divertor Interferometer Within Cryostat Outside Cryostat Mirror-based beam delivery optics IR/FIR waveguide? Metal retroreflectors? Real-time beam alignment system Two color lasers in IR/FIR (CO2@12.1/9.0m, CH3OD@57.2/47.6m) IR/FIR detectors, modulators IR/FIR optics (beam splitters, wave plates, etc)
Residual Gas Analyzers Within Cryostat Outside Cryostat RGA sensor heads with radiation-hardened electronics, magnetic shields Penning gauges with optical fiber and high-resolution spectrometers, optical detectors Turbomolecular pumps, vacuum components, calibrated leaks Pumping duct (1 of 4)
Schedule/Responsibilities A prerequisite for major diagnostic design effort is the renegotiation of the PP’s to resolve existing scope ambiguities and clarify stakeholder roles/responsibilities and permitting detailed design to begin. In the present plan, most procurements would be made during the fabrication phase from FY10 - FY12. As partner lab responsible for diagnostics, PPPL will subcontract with other experienced institutions to provide the instruments. PPPL will design the port plugs, will integrate the ‘front-ends’ from multiple systems, and will oversee the fabrication, assembly and testing of the plugs. To understand the schedule drivers for diagnostics, it is useful remember the way I broke up the instruments between front-end and ex-crystat components, and the plugs between diagnostic modules and generic structure. We are presently engaged in a series of assessment studies for the instruments, that I will describe In the breakout, and in a multiparty port engineering task force. A prerequisite for major diagnostic effort is the renegotiation of the procurement packages, to clarify scope and responsibilities. Since so much hinges on the front-end designs, completion and endorsement of the front-end integration design can allow many parallel design efforts to enter the detailed phase. Finally, although the high-level integrated project schedule calls for the plug installation in late 2014, a more detailed plan may feature a more phased plug delivery schedule which is not yet defined. If this is phased back a couple of years, there could be significant schedule squeeze. The number and location of plug test facilities will also impact the delivery dates for qualified plugs.